The In the Media webpage is designed to feature articles, interviews, television coverage, radio specials, press releases and reviews about the research, scholarship and professional activities of department faculty, staff and students. Additionally, this page features articles, opinion pieces and regular columns written by department members for print and online newspapers, as well as other media outlets.
Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to submit media pieces at any time via our webform.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "Universities Must Help the New 'Lost Generation.'" Academe Blog, Sept. 16, 2022
- D'Agostino, Karyssa. "OSU students demand change after shooting of Donovan Lewis." NBC News at 5. NBC, WCMH, Columbus, 15 Sept. 2022. (Associate Professor Pranav Jani is part of a conversation about the Center for Ethnic Studies' statement on the police shooting of Donovan Lewis.)
- Trombly, Monroe, Peter Gill and Micah Walker. "'Backbone of our country': Columbus-area residents react to Queen Elizabeth II's death." Columbus Dispatch, 8 Sept. 2022. (Associate Professor Pranav Jani is quoted, describing his grandparents and their generation marching against British colonial rule.)
- "Who needs the monarchy? Plus, why gray floors and barn doors are everywhere." It's Been a Minute, NPR, 16 Sept. 2022. (Associate Professor Pranav Jani is quoted, describing how many have been speaking up about the horrors of colonialism, following the death of Queen Elizabeth II.)
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "How Young People Have Changed." Inside Higher Education, 4 Aug. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Editors have become so wayward that academic authors need a bill of rights." Times Higher Education, 18 Aug. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Relocating Literacy in Higher Education." Academe Blog, 18 Aug. 2022.
- Weiser, Elizabeth M. and Richard D. Shiels. "World Heritage for All vs. Golf for a Few." Newark Advocate, 20 Aug. 2022.
Interview or Podcast
- Graff, Harvey J. Podcast interview. New Book Network Podcast: Harvey J. Graff, From The Literacy Myth to Searching for Literacy, 9 Aug. 2022.
- Grandinetti, Kathy Fagan. Interview by Shannon K. Winston. “Interview with Kathy Fagan.” Mentor & Muse.
- Renker, Elizabeth. Discovering Sarah: America’s Lost Great Writer, 1 July 2022.
- Renker, Elizabeth. Interview by A.Ron Hubbard and Jim Jones. “Season Seven Wrap.” A House of the Dragon Podcast, 23 June 2022.
Recurring columns
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Still searching for Downtown: 'Ideas considered for Downtown plan.'" Columbus Free Press, 14 Aug. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Frederic Bertley, Salesperson, Meet Science and English Expression." Columbus Free Press, 17 Aug. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths. "You can't sue City Hall, can you? But we should educate the public and use the ballot box: That's the American Way, if not the Columbus Way." Columbus Free Press, 21 Aug. 2022.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "Searching for Literacy: The Social and Intellectual Origins of Literacy Studies." Social Science Matters.
- Graff, Harvey J. "The best scholarship is political but with no ideological stamp." Times Higher Education, 26 July 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "The Fallacies of the 'Shadow Curriculum.'" Academe Blog, 1 July 2022.
Interview or podcast
- Farrell, Molly J. Interview by Paul Solman. "Early America's Complicated History with Abortion Access." PBS News Hour, 31 July 2022.
- Marsden, Mariah E. and Kelsey Paige Mason. “First Person Podcast Episode 55 - RPG Actual Play with Mariah E. Marsden and Kelsey Paige Mason.” First Person Scholar Podcast, 30 June 2022.
- Kispert, Peter. "Queer Writers Are Building Canon Everywhere." Esquire, 14 July 2022. (Peter Kispert interviews Associate Professor Nick White about his upbringing in Mississippi and his identity as a queer writer.)
Recurring columns
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths – The rights to read and write and to organize: Local roots of democracy and our historical moment." Columbus Free Press, 24 July 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Is Columbus the corruption capital of a corrupt state? Mismanagement, no management, and corruption in the 2020s." Columbus Free Press, 17 July 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: My ongoing struggles for responsibility from the City of Columbus." Columbus Free Press, 12 July 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Remaking the City of Columbus for the 21st or is it for the 20th century?" Columbus Free Press, 5 July 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Mr. Mayor and City Council--May I introduce you to the city of Columbus? Beyond the Short North and the Scioto River Bank, there is a diverse complicated city," Columbus Free Press, 31 July 2022.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "Academics’ publishing options are an ever wilder west. Beware!" Times Higher Education, 24 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "The Book Business Ecosystem Is Under Attack." Publishers Weekly, 17 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Franklinton, 1797-2022 and Columbus’ Contradictions, Part 2." Columbus Free Press, 9 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Franklinton, 1797-2022 and Columbus’ Contradictions, Part 1." Columbus Free Press, 5 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "When 'Heterodoxy' Is Orthodoxy." Inside Higher Education, 3 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Peer reviewing is becoming more cavalier, self-serving and ignorant." Times Higher Education, 2 June 2022.
Recurring columns
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The Columbus Way versus the rights of Columbus residents: Part 4." Columbus Free Press, 30 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The Columbus Way versus the rights of Columbus residents: Part 3." Columbus Free Press, 27 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The Columbus Way versus the rights of Columbus residents: Part 2." Columbus Free Press, 24 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The Columbus Way versus the rights of Columbus residents: Part 1" Columbus Free Press, 21 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: An open letter to Kenny McDonald, new head of the 'Columbus Partnership'." Columbus Free Press, 16 June 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. and Bob Eckhart. "Busting Myths. How the Harvard Business School and the Columbus Way attempt to enrich each other other: Lessons on the promiscuous relationships between Columbus' private interests and an elite university's profiteering." Columbus Free Press, 12 June 2022.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Farrell, Molly J. "Ben Franklin Put an Abortion Recipe in His Math Textbook." Slate, 5 May 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Ohio is 2022’s most successful voter suppression campaign: Anti-democracy in action." Columbus Free Press, 24 May 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Universities are not giving students the classes or support they need." Times Higher Education, 17 May 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "My short life as a 'civic leader' in the directionless maze called the CITY of Columbus: Part Two." Columbus Free Press, 14 May 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "My short life as a 'civic leader' in the directionless maze called the CITY of Columbus: Part One." Columbus Free Press, 11 May 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "America First: An Excavation of Trumpism and the Trump Agenda." Columbus Free Press, 7 May 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Myths Shape the Continuing 'Crisis of the Humanities'." Inside Higher Ed, 6 May 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Book Banning Past and Present." Against the Current, 1 May 2022.
- Jin, Anna Han. "Seren reflects on 40-year history and post-Covid return to in-person events." The Bookseller, 2 May 2022. (Assistant professor Zoë Brigley Thompson's role as poetry editor for Wales-based publisher Seren is discussed, including her involvement in the Cardiff poetry festival).
Recurring columns
Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: How Columbus, Ohio State University, and major developers destroyed a neighborhood--a continuing sage." Columbus Free Press, 2 May 2022.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "How Columbus, Ohio State University, and major developers destroyed a historic neighborhood." Columbus Free Press, 29 Apr. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Dark money fuels Kansas and Missouri school book banners. Don't let the minority rule." The Kansas City Star, 28 Apr. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "How Columbus, Ohio State University, and major developers destroyed a historic neighborhood." Columbus Free Press, 26 Apr. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Book Banning Past and Present and the Rights of Young Readers." Academe Blog, 22 Apr. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "The right-wing truck convoys arrive in Ohio: The unconstitutionality and in humanity of book banners." Columbus Free Press, 14 Apr. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Ignore the books: there is no single Big Problem with higher education." Times Higher Education, 2 Apr. 2022.
- Kolkovich, Elizabeth. “How My Postpartum Guilt Was Healed by a 17th-Century Poet.” Nursing Clio, 5 Apr. 2022.
Recurring columns
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Columbus isn’t Cowtown or Silicon Valley Heartland; it’s the lawless, wild-wild-Midwest." Columbus Free Press, 20 Apr. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Is Columbus really a City?" Columbus Free Press, 7 Apr. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths – A big question for the month before our (supposed) primary elections: Is Mike DeWine actually a governor?" Columbus Free Press, 3 Apr. 2022.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Gilmore, Leigh. "Why the sexual harassment lawsuit against Harvard is important." Cognoscenti, 14 Feb. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Teaching outside the box: A retired professor continues." Inside Higher Education, 25 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Objections to UMass-Boston's reconsideration of its mission statement are dishonest." Chronicle of Higher Education, 22 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. and Ashley Hope Pérez. "Book banning isn't about content; it's a fight for supremacy in culture wars." The Herald-Times, 10 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Collegiality needs a reboot." Times Higher Education, 7 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "The State of Ohio assaults its children: The war on those least able to defend themselves." Columbus Free Press, 6 Mar. 2022.
- Patton, Jenny. “A Concert of Curiosity: A Conversation with Amy Wright.” Essay Daily, 14 Mar. 2022.
Interview or podcast
- Graff, Harvey J. Interview by Mark Brodie. "Arizona lawmakers are trying to restrict certain books in schools. But this isn't the first time." KJZZ NPR Phoenix, 9 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. Interview by Rick Jackson. "Book bannings in America aren't new, but they are getting renewed attention." The Sound of Ideas, 7 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. Panel discussion: "Book banning in America isn't new but it is getting renewed attention." WCPN Cleveland NPR The Sound of Ideas, Mar. 7, 2022
- Neville, Sarah. Interview by Cassidy Cash. "Herballs with Sarah Neville." That Shakespeare Life, 14 Mar. 2022.
- Pinsker, Joe. "Our Brains Want the Story of the Pandemic to Be Something It Isn't." The Atlantic, 10 Mar. 2022. (Professor Angus Fletcher is quoted on storylines about good and evil in relation to the pandemic).
Recurring columns
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The Ohio Attorney General vs. Science, Ethics, and Law." Columbus Free Press, 27 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: A citizen vs. Louis DeJoy and his crippling of the U.S. Postal Service." Columbus Free Press, 24 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: WOSU, the nation’s worst NPR affiliate? The challenge of criticizing a self-parody of a 'news and information' station." Columbus Free Press, 20 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Ohio State University versus 'campus safety." Columbus Free Press, 13 Mar. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Columbus' major 'news media' against democratic politics and the public." Columbus Free Press, 10 Mar. 2022.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Daniels, Nalijah. "21 Exciting, Empowering, & Entertaining Things Coming Out of the Black Community." CafeMom, 17 Feb. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Essays Favoring Inquiry Over Truth-Seeking Were Lacking." Chronicle of Higher Education, 28 Feb. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Battle of the Books: When Historical Reassessments Collide." Publishers Weekly, 25 Feb. 2022 online, 28 Feb. 2022 in print.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Academic Collegiality is a Contradictory, Self-Serving Myth." Times Higher Education, 10 Feb. 2022.
- Pérez, Ashley Hope. "I wrote 'Out of Darkness' for my high school students. Now high schools are removing it." Dallas Morning News, 11 Feb. 2022. (Professor Emeritus Harvey J. Graff contributes to a piece written by assistant professor of Comparative Studies, Ashely Hope Pérez).
Interview or podcast
- Jani, Pranav. Interview by Pete Grieve. “Covid Hits Ohio College Renewing Calls for Remote Learning.” Spectrum News, 19 Jan. 2022. (Pranav Jani was interviewed as president of the Ohio State chapter of the AAUP about OSU's COVID-19 policies).
- Yeager, Sean. Interview by Chiara Pellegrini. "Neuroqueer Narratives." Narrative for Social Justice Podcast, 15 Jan. 2022. (Sean Yeager discusses the role of narrative in constructing neurodivergent lives).
Recurring columns
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Ohio State falters again, a continuing higher education tragedy." Columbus Free Press, 28 Feb. 2022
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Shouldn't Ivy League graduates know better than to remake American history?" Columbus Free Press, 24 Feb. 2022
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: An Open Letter to the Ohio unDemocratic Party". Columbus Free Press, 20 Feb. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: How many “projects” does it take to obstruct a truly American history?" Columbus Free Press, 16 Feb. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The US and Canada-Confronting the Past in the Present." Columbus Free Press, 14 Feb. 2022
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The media mangle the Second Big Lie: The nondebate over critical race theory." Columbus Free Press, 8 Feb. 2022
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The other immigrants and diverse American dreams." Columbus Free Press, 3 Feb. 2022.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Fletcher, Angus and Erik J. Larson. "Optimizing Machines Is Perilous. Consider ‘Creatively Adequate’ AI." Wired, 25 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. and Ashley Hope Peréz. "Book Ban in Washington County Is an Example of the ‘New Illiteracy’." The Salt Lake Tribune, 28 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Sloganeering and the Limits of Leadership." Academe Blog, 19 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Slogans Are No Substitute For Concrete University Policies and Programmes." Times Higher Education, 17 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "The Dilemmas of Disciplines Going Public." Inside Higher Ed, 13 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Essay Critical of Louis Menand's Book Review is Disappointing." The Chronicle of Higher Education, 12 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "The Banality of University Slogans: Whether it's ad campaigns for the football season, gauzy reports from the provost, or bombast from the school's president, higher education abounds with empty rhetoric." Washington Monthly, 10 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Know Nothings: A scholar and author examines the banning of books, past and present." Publishers Weekly, 3 Jan. 2022
- Graff, Harvey J. "Opinion: The new pandemic worries: Varying guidance and finding a test." Washington Post, 2-3 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Columbus searches for its Downtown with historical, urbanist, and developers' blinders." Columbus Free Press, 22 Dec. 2021
- Graff, Harvey J. "How conservative opinion writers fail their readers." Columbus Free Press, 25 Dec. 2021
- Graff, Harvey J. "Mike DeWine Seemed Like One of the Few Republicans Serious About Fighting COVID. He’s Not." Washington Monthly, 31 Dec. 2021.
- "The Town Hall." The Chair, season 1, episode 3, Netflix, 20 Aug. 2021. (At time stamp 22:50, Elizabeth Renker's scholarship on Herman Melville as wife-beater, originally published in 1994 and featured in the The New York Times Magazine [15 Dec. 1996], is cited.)
- Comerford, Ruth. "Brigley and Edwards Appointed Joint Editors at Seren." The Bookseller, 27 Jan. 2022. (UK publisher Seren has appointed Zoë Brigley Thompson and Rhian Edwards as joint poetry editors.)
- Mintz, Steven. "Is Literacy Declining?" Inside Higher Ed, 18 Jan. 2022. (Professor Emeritus Harvey J. Graff's scholarship is praised and quoted).
- Reichman, Hank. "Per Aspera ad Astra." Academe Blog, 10 Jan. 2022. (Professor Emeritus Harvey J. Graff's article on University Slogans is praised and quoted extensively).
Recurring columns
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The Disappearance of Journalistic Standards as Opinion Essays Replace the News." Columbus Free Press, 30 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Intel and the Ohio Way - Secrecy, Deals, Public Neglect, Myth Making, and Re-Election Campaigning." Columbus Free Press, 27 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The Misrepresentation and Marketing of “Financial Literacy” - The Fallacies and Dangers of FL4ALL." Columbus Free Press, 23 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The Columbus Dispatch--The decline of a metropolitan newspaper." Columbus Free Press, 20 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Can We Resurrect Our 'Founding' Faith in the American 'People'?" Columbus Free Press, 15 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Columbus, Ohio, Searches To Be a City: The Myth of the Columbus Way." Columbus Free Press, 9 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths. Texas and Florida Secede From Reality; Ohio Imitates." Columbus Free Press, 4 Jan. 2022.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myth. My New Year's Wish List: Media Misconceptions and Our Ten-Minute Historical Memory." Columbus Free Press, 29 Dec. 2021
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "Harvey J. Graff Examines the History of Book Banning." Publishers Weekly, 31 Dec. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Ohio Governor DeWine Abandons Science and the Public." Columbus Free Press, 1 Dec. 2021.
- Muhammad, Mariah. "Hundreds of Indigenous Women are Missing Yearly, Where's Their Media Coverage?" Columbus Free Press, 6 Oct. 2021, Originally published in Black x Bold Magazine.
Recurring columns
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The triumph of the new “fake news” in the legitimate press." Columbus Free Press, 19 Dec. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Marketing the Second Biggest Lie: The Faith & Freedom Caucus versus American history and Christianity." Columbus Free Press, 14 Dec. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths--DeWine whines about critical race theory." Columbus Free Press, 11 Dec. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: The Ohio State University promotes public health crises." Columbus Free Press, 6 Dec. 2021.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "My young heroes." Columbus Free Press, 25 Nov. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Ross Douthat Wouldn't Know a New College from an Old One." Academe Blog, 17 Nov. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Response to Columbus Alive: A Visit to Journalism Fantasy Land." Columbus Free Press, 7 Nov. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Ohio State Isn't Having a Crime Crisis; It's Having a Leadership Crisis." Columbus Free Press, 2 Nov. 2021.
Recurring columns
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: An Open Letter to the Ohio Democratic Party: Where Are You and Why Have You Lost Touch with D/democracy." Columbus Free Press, 17 Nov. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Busting Myths: Update to 'Ohio State Isn’t Having a Crime Crisis.'" Columbus Free Press, 13 Nov. 2021.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "Ohio Education Promotes Racism and Restricts Equity, Again." Columbus Free Press, 27 Oct. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "America First: An Excavation of Trumpism and the Trump Agenda." Columbus Free Press, 24 Oct. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Notes on Current Politics in Columbus and Ohio: Thoughts in Response to Questions from my Editor." Columbus Free Press, 21 Oct. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Testing Can Save Democracy." Inside Higher Ed, 21 Oct. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Governor Mike DeWine's Continuing Covid Failures: The Ohio Tragedy." Columbus Free Press, 13 Oct. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Columbus' University District: Students and the Institutions that Fail Them." Columbus Free Press, 8 Oct. 2021.
Interviews or podcasts
- Podraza, Morgan. Interview by Allie Fehr. "Netflix Continues to Popularize International Series in the US." The Lantern, 27 Oct. 2021. (Morgan Podraza is interviewed and quoted in an article about international series on Netflix.)
- Barr, Jeremy. "Critical Race Theory was the Hot Topic on Fox News this Summer: Not So Much Anymore." The Washington Post, 6 Oct. 2021. (Professor Emeritus Harvey J. Graff is mentioned for his article criticizing media coverage of critical race theory).
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "The New White Fright and Flight and the Critical Race Theory Nondebate." Academe Blog, 30 Sept. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "A Post-Retirement Career as a Public Academic Meets the Moment's Need." The World University Rankings, 18 Sept. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "For Ohio State, Bigger is Not Better." Columbus Free Press, 16 Sept. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "The Decline of a Once Vital Neighborhood: Columbus' University District." Columbus Free Press, 14 Sept. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Colleges Must Learn From Sports Figures About Mental Health." Inside Higher Ed, 13 Sept. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Interdisciplinarity Is Not About the Humanities Aping the Sciences." Times Higher Education, 7 Sept. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "There Is No Debate About Critical Race Theory." Washington Monthly, 4 Sept. 2021.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Graff, Harvey J. "Attacks on Critical Race Theory Are a Threat to American Democracy (opinion)." Inside Higher Ed, 2 Aug. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Guest Post: Remembering Mike Rose in Person and in Print." Inside Higher Ed, 17 Aug. 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Opinion: Attacks on 'Critical Race Theory' a Dangerous Assault on Democracy and Education.'" The Columbus Dispatch, 28 May 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Opinion: Columbus' Identity Crisis and its Media." Columbus Underground, 23 July 2021.
- Graff, Harvey J. "Opinion: DeWine's Blundered Coronavirus Response. Vax-A-Million Didn't Help." The Columbus Dispatch, 25 June 2021.
Interviews or podcasts
- Dhar, Amrita. Interview by Ben Broadribb. "Plenary Interview: Amrita Dhar." BritGrad, 25 Aug. 2021. (Amrita Dhar is interviewed before her plenary talk at the British Graduate Shakespeare Conference 2021.)
- Graff, Harvey J. Interview by Rick Jackson. "Critical Race Theory Is Causing A Stir, Yet Many Don't Grasp Its True Meaning." The Sound of Ideas, WCPN, IdeaStream, Cleveland, 7 June 2021. (Harvey J. Graff is an invited participant in a one-hour live NPR conversation about critical race theory.)
- Comerford, Ruth. "National Poetry Day to Spotlight Over 40 Books in Recommended Lists." The Bookseller, 9 July 2021. (100 Poems to Save the Earth (Seren Books), an anthology edited by Zoë Brigley Thompson and Kristian Evans, is recommended as an example of "exhibiting the power of poetry to protest and inspire".)
- Wood, Heloise. "Duo Become First Joint Editors of Poetry Wales." The Bookseller, 2 Aug. 2021. (Zoë Brigley Thompson and Marvin Thompson are the first poets to join Poetry Wales as joint editors, with Marvin Thompson also being the journal’s first editor of color.)
- Gower, John. "Review: 100 Poems to Save the Earth Is a Timely Collection with Many Poems Which Lodge Like Limpets in the Mind." Nation Cymru, 14 Aug. 2021. (John Gower reviews Zoë Brigley Thompson's anthology 100 Poems to Save the Earth.)
- Raymond, Gary. "Wales at the Fringe, A New Take on Old Tales and Poems to Save the Earth." The Review Show, BBC Radio, 20 Aug. 2021. (Gary Raymond and guest critics review the latest from the arts and popular culture scene. They explore the new anthology 100 Poems to Save the Earth edited by Zoë Brigley Thompson and Kristian Evans and ask if poetry is the best art form to respond to the climate crisis.).
- Whittaker, Steven. "A Dream of Suffocation: 100 Poems to Save the Earth." The Yorkshire Post, 25th Aug. 2021. (Review of Zoë Brigley Thompson's anthology 100 Poems to Save the Earth.)
Interviews or podcasts
- Podraza, Morgan. Interview by Elizabeth Rayne. "Horror Films Can Actually Do the Opposite of Traumatizing You—Just Ask Laurie Strode." SyFy Wire, 31 May 2021. (Morgan Podraza is interviewed about her research on the "Final Girl" trope in the Halloween franchise.)
Interviews or podcasts
- Jani, Pranav. Interview by Greta Anderson. "Hopes Raised Then Quickly Dashed." Inside Higher Ed, 23 Apr. 2021. (Pranav Jani is interviewed and quoted in an article about the Ohio State student-led sit-in and march for Ma'Khia Bryant, during which students and others renewed demands for the university to cut ties with Columbus police.)
- Jani, Pranav. Interview. "After Ma'Khia Bryant's killing, Ohio State University students demand the college sever ties with Columbus police." Yahoo! News, 23 Apr. 2021. (Pranav Jani is quoted in an article on the Ohio State student-led protest following the killing of Ma'Khia Bryant.)
- Burkman, Katherine. "Plays." Performed by Fishlicker Improv!, recorded on Zoom, 20 Apr. 2021. (A reading of monologues and short plays written by Katherine Burkman and published in I Don't Think So: Life's Stages, a collection published by Next Stage Press.)
- Burkman, Katherine. "The Lobby and Other Works." Performed by Fishlicker Improv!, recorded on Zoom, 10 May 2021. (A reading of monologues and short plays written by Katherine Burkman and published in I Don't Think So: Life's Stages, a collection published by Next Stage Press).
Articles and opinion pieces
- Hesford, Wendy S. "Why Arts and Humanities are Vital to Post-Covid Recovery." University World News, 13 Mar. 2021.
- Jani, Pranav and Kunimoto, Namiko. Op-Ed. "There Are Those Who Benefit from Divide-and-Conquer Policies That See Asians as 'Forever Foreigners.'" The Columbus Dispatch, 24 Mar. 2021. (Pranav Jani and Namiko Kunimoto, both faculty in Ethnic Studies and Asian American Studies, wrote an op-ed about the Atlanta murders and challenge Americans to change their thinking about race, gender and history.)
Interviews or podcasts
- Jani, Pranav. Interview by Mariyam Muhammad. "Ohio State's RAISE Initiative to Hire 150 Diverse Faculty Has Hopes, Concerns Among Cultural Studies Leaders." The Lantern, 17 Mar. 2021. (Pranav Jani was interviewed in his role as program director of Asian American studies about his response to the new RAISE Initiative.)
- Jani, Pranav. Interview. "Arts and Sciences APIDA community reflects on Atlanta killings, anti-Asian racism." College News, College of Arts & Sciences, The Ohio State University, 31 Mar. 2021. (Pranav Jani and other Arts & Sciences faculty speak out on anti-Asian racism and next steps.)
- Jani, Pranav. Interview. "Demand For Change: Ohio State students take a stand against anti-Asian xenophobia, brutality." Black x Bold Magazine, The Ohio State University, 5 Apr. 2021. (Pranav Jani is quoted in the Ohio State student publication Black x Bold Magazine's coverage of the rally against anti-Asian racism on campus.)
- Washuta, Elissa. Interview by Sarah Neilson. “An Interview with Elissa Washuta.” Believer Magazine, 1 Apr. 2021.
- Washuta, Elissa. Interview by E.B. Bartels. “Non-Fiction by Non-Men: Elissa Washuta.” Fiction Advocate, 19 Apr. 2021.
- Washuta, Elissa. Interview by Danielle Ballantyne. “Reviewer Danielle Ballantyne Interviews Elissa Washuta, Author of White Magic: Essays.” Foreword Reviews, 23 Apr. 2021.
- Washuta, Elissa. Interview by Allison Ward. “Ohio State Professor Elissa Washuta Pens Personal Essays in White Magic.” The Columbus Dispatch, 25 Apr. 2021.
- Washuta, Elissa. Interview by Courtney Brown. “Elissa Washuta on Writing and Finding Identity.” CityPulse Columbus, 26 Apr. 2021.
- Washuta, Elissa. Interview by Hillary Brenhouse. “Elissa Washuta: ‘Living Inside This Empire Is All That I Will Ever Have.'" Guernica, 28 Apr. 2021.
- Washuta, Elissa. Interview by Eliza Smith. “Elissa Washuta on the Desire to Write a ‘Big Book.’” Literary Hub, 27 Apr. 2021.
- Washuta, Elissa. Interview by David Grandouiller. “Writing to Heal: The Millions Interviews Elissa Washuta.” The Millions, 28 Apr. 2021. (Ohio State MFA alumnus David Grandouiller interviews Elissa Washuta for The Millions.)
- Weiser, Elizabeth. Interview by Drew Bracken. "Aces of Trades: Elizabeth Weiser brings passion for writing to OSU-Newark." Newark Advocate, 5 Apr. 2021. (In a front-page profile, Professor Elizabeth Weiser's career is featured.)
- Gutterman, Annabel. “Here Are the Best New Books to Read in April 2021.” Time, 1 Apr. 2021. (Assistant Professor Elissa Washuta's book White Magic is listed as one of 15 new books to read in April).
- “Writers to Watch: 10 Women on the Rise.” BookPage, Mar. 2021. (Assistant Professor Elissa Washuta is listed among 10 female authors whose future careers are bright.)
- Ballantyne, Danielle. “Review of White Magic." Foreword Reviews: Book Reviews and Coverage of Indie Publishers, Foreword Reviews, 27 February 2021. (Danielle Ballantyne reviews Assistant Professor Elissa Washuta's new book, White Magic.)
- Ferri, Jessica. “Review: A Native Essayist's Journey Through Art, Magic and Pain—and into Sobriety.” Los Angeles Times, 27 April 2021. (A review of Elissa Washuta's book, White Magic).
- Hollis, Catherine. “Book Review - White Magic by Elissa Washuta.” BookPage, April 2021.
- Iglesias, Gabino. “Survival Is an Invitation to Push Through Hard Times in White Magic.” NPR, 29 April 2021. (NPR's Gabino Iglesias reviews Elissa Washuta's new book, White Magic.)
- Levin, Sala. “Witchy Woman.” Maryland Today, The University of Maryland, 27 April 2021. (Review of Elissa Washuta's book, White Magic.)
- Milne, Stefan. “Spelling It Out.” Seattle Met, 2021, p. 172. (A review in The Seattle Met of Elissa Washuta's essay collection, White Magic.)
- White Magic. Kirkus Reviews, 3 March 2021. (A Kirkus review of Assistant Professor Elissa Washuta's new book.)
Articles and opinion pieces
- Gilmore, Leigh. "Andrew Cuomo's Expectation of Impunity." WBUR Cognoscenti, 8 March 2021.
- David Brewer mentioned in "The People We Know Best" by Evan Kindley. The New York Review of Books, 25 Mar. 2021. (Associate Professor David Brewer's The Afterlife of Character, 1726-1825 is discussed favorably as part of a review of four new books on character in the current issue of The New York Review of Books.)
Interviews and Podcasts
- Jani, Pranav. Interview. "New Head of Asian American Studies Calls for Increased Focus on Ethnic Studies." The Lantern, 27 Jan. 2021. (In an interview with The Lantern, Associate Professor Pranav Jani discusses his new appointment as director of Asian American studies and the importance of ethnic studies at The Ohio State University.)
Articles and opinion pieces
- Kafantaris, Mira Assaf. "A Year in Reading: Mira Assaf Kafantaris." The Millions, 2 December 2020.
Interviews and Podcasts
- Renker, Elizabeth. “The Lost Poetry of Sarah Piatt with Prof. Elizabeth Renker and Jolie Braun.” Bonnets at Dawn, 21 November 2020. (On Bonnets at Dawn, a podcast dedicated to women writers, Professor Elizabeth Renker and Rare Books and Manuscripts Library curator Jolie Braun discuss their efforts to bring poet Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt back into cultural memory. Available on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify and SoundCloud.)
- Renker, Elizabeth. “Interview about Sarah Piatt with Dr. Elizabeth Renker by Jolie Braun.” Oral Histories and Written Memoirs, The Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt Recovery Project, The Ohio State University Libraries and The Ohio State University Knowledge Bank, 27 July 2020. (The site collects recorded interviews with scholars working on the recovery of American poet Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt as part of the Rare Books and Manuscript Library's (RBML) much larger Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt Recovery Project, of which Elizabeth Renker is a founder and current manager.)
Articles and opinion pieces
- Gilmore, Leigh. "Trump Lost. So Why Is The Media Still So Fixated on His Supporters?" WBUR Cognoscenti, 19 November 2020.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Gilmore, Leigh. "Amy Coney Barrett is Bad for Women and Terrible for RBG's Legacy." WBUR Cognoscenti, 28 September 2020.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Weiser, Elizabeth. "It’s time to prepare for Earthwork tourism." Newark Advocate, 18 May 2020.
- Weiser, Elizabeth. "Want a better community? Be awestruck by the Newark Earthworks." Newark Advocate, 28 June 2020.
Interviews and Podcasts
- Skinner, Carolyn. "Daring Women Doctors: Physicians in the 19th Century." Directed and Produced by Valerie Scoon. 2020. (Carolyn Skinner interviewed in documentary recounting the challenges and accomplishments of women physicians in the nineteenth-century US.)
- Skinner, Carolyn. "PBS Documentary Features Research by OSU-M Professor." Interviewed by Lou Whitmire, Mansfield News Journal, 27 July 2020. (Carolyn Skinner interviewed about her research, involvement in a documentary about nineteenth-century women physicians, and teaching and administrative work at The Ohio State University at Mansfield.)
- Burkman, Katherine. "Closing the Distance." Produced by Wild Women Writing, recorded on Zoom, 12 July 2020. (A series of monologues, a short play called Doom and commentary on what life might be like in 10 years delivered by Wild Women Writing, a group that gives staged, themed readings.)
Interviews and Podcasts
- Aldama, Frederick Luis. Interview by Spotlight. "Robert Rodriguez: A Groundbreaking Independent Filmmaker." TRT World, August 2020. (Frederick Luis Aldama featured on TRT World to discuss the significance of Latinx film director Robert Rodriguez and his film Desperado 25 years after its release.)
Articles and opinion pieces
- Herman, Michelle. “The Little Light." Slate, January 2020.
Interviews and Podcasts
- Warhol, Robyn. "Queer and Feminist Narrative Theories: An Interview with Robyn Warhol." Journal of American Studies in Italy (special issue on Rethinking 1968 Now: Movements, Practices, Forms), Virginia Pignagnoli, Margarida McMurry, eds, no. 2, 2019.
- Dorothy Noyes mentioned in "Hello, social distancing. Goodbye, handshakes?" by Omar Younis and Clare Baldwin. Reuters, 28 April 2020.
Recurring columns
- Herman, Michelle. “Care and Feeding.” Slate (every Sunday since summer 2019).
Articles and opinion pieces
- Jani, Pranav. "Talking Socialism in 'Trump Country.'" Medium. 4 February 2020.
- David Brewer mentioned in "Fan Fiction Was Just as Sexual in the 1700s as It Is Today" by Shannon Chamberlain. The Atlantic, 14 February 2020. (Brewer and his book The Afterlife of Character, 1726-1825 cited in an article about eighteenth-century fan fiction.)
Interviews and Podcasts
- Kafantaris, Mira Assaf. Interview by Cassidy Cash. "Mira Kafantaris and The Spanish Matches." That Shakespeare Life Podcast, episode 89, December 2019. (Mira Assaf Kafantaris answers questions about the theater's reception of King James's Spanish matches.)
Interviews and Podcasts
- Dhar, Amrita. Interview by Paula Wright. "Rethinking Mountaineering Histories: Amrita Dhar."The Alpinist Podcast, episode 26, November 2019. (Assistant Professor Amrita Dhar interviewed by Paula Wright on mountaineering histories and archives, and the gendered and raced mountaineering body).
Interviews and Podcasts
- Miller, Liz. "Megan Von Bergen and Liz Miller." Pedagogue, 15 November 2019. (Liz Miller interviewed by podcast host Shane A. Wood about mental health, accessible pedagogy and contract grading.)
Articles and opinion pieces
- Kafantaris, Mira Assaf. “Writing a Diversity Statement as a Woman of Color.” Medium Equality, 4 October 2019.
Interviews and Podcasts
- Mitchell, Koritha. "Neuroscientist Had the Best Response when Mansplained about Her Own Research." Good Morning America. 24 October 2019. (Associate Professor Koritha Mitchell interviewed by Nidhi Singh to discuss "know-your-place aggression" and its context within racism and sexism.)
- Mitchell, Koritha. "Trump Could Have Turned His 'Lynching' Comment Around. He Chose Not To." The Independent. 22 October 2019. (Associate Professor Koritha Mitchell interviewed by Carli Pierson to comment on President Donald Trump calling his impeachment inquiry 'a lynching.')
- Pyontek, Katie. "Interview with poet Rose McLarney." The Adroit Journal, 15 October 2019.
- Renker, Elizabeth. "SO3EO2 | Wives and Their Authors: Elizabeth and Herman Melville, Literary Labor, and Women’s Work." C19 Podcast by C19: The Society of Nineteenth-Century Americanists, 23 October 2019. (Professor Elizabeth Renker featured in episode exploring the efforts Elizabeth Melville undertook, after her husband Herman's death, to republish his books and to preserve his records.)
Interviews and Podcasts
- Fagan, Kathy. "Interview with National Poetry Series winner, Jake Skeets." The Rumpus, 9 September 2019.
- Koren, Marina. "The Pioneering Female Doctor Who Argued Against Rest." The Atlantic, 6 July 2019. (Associate Professor Carolyn Skinner quoted on the anti-suffragist assertion that women are unfit to vote because of the effects of menstruation.)
Recurring columns
- Herman, Michelle. "Care and Feeding." Slate, weekly, 9 July 2019 onwards.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Martin, Lee. “Love, Anew" (essay). Columbus Monthly, August 2019, pp. 64-68.
Interviews and Podcasts
- Hoffman, Yonina. "Episode 48 - Discussing David Foster Wallace with Yonina Hoffman." The Great Concavity Podcast, 1 July 2019. (Yonina Hoffman was interviewed on the podcast The Great Concavity.)
- Washuta, Elissa and Theresa Warburton. Interview with Colin Dickey. Longreads, 1 August 2019. (Interview with Elissa Washuta and Theresa Warburton by Colin Dickey for Longreads.)
- Washuta, Elissa and Theresa Warburton. Interview with Maddie Norris and Ander Monson. Essay Daily, 8 July 2019. (Interview with Elissa Washuta and Theresa Warburton for Essay Daily.)
- Washuta, Elissa and Theresa Warburton. Interview with Lily Philpott. PEN America, 4 July 2019. (Interview with Elissa Washuta and Theresa Warburton for PEN America online.)
- Washuta, Elissa and Theresa Warburton. Interview with Jennifer Baker. Electric Lit, 8 August 2019. (Interview with Elissa Washuta and Theresa Warburton for Electric Lit.)
- Westenfeld, Adrienne. "Escape the Heat With the Best Books of Summer 2019." Esquire, 31 May 2019. (List featuring Shapes of Native Nonfiction, an anthology edited by Elissa Washuta and Theresa Warburton.)
Interviews and Podcasts
- "On Board(hers)." Broad and High, WOSU. 18 April 2019. (Video featuring an interview Associate Professor Amrita Dhar about a contemporary dance performance based on the experiences of 15 female immigrants.)
- Mitchell, Koritha. "The N-word in the Classroom: Just Say NO." C19 Podcast: Official Publication of the Society for Nineteenth-Century Americanists. March 4, 2019.
- Smith, Maggie. "The Mentor Series: Maggie Smith and Kathy Fagan." The Rumpus. April 22, 2019. (Interview between MFA alumna Maggie Smith and her mentor Professor Kathy Fagan.)
- Williams, Andreá N. “Marriage and the Single Black Woman.” The State of Things, Interviewed by Frank Stasio. WUNC North Carolina Public Radio, Chapel Hill, 11 April 2018. Radio.
- Schiff, Randy. "Micro-arts fest celebrates poetry, ritual and Frank Stanford at Silo City." Buffalo News, 14 August 2018. (Article about "micro-arts" festival, which featured poet and Assistant Professor Marcus Jackson.)
- Wark, Kirsty. "Mohsin Hamid on leaving home." BBC Radio 4, 2018. (Radio interview of Carol Bohmer, who co-authored Political Asylum Deceptions: The Culture of Suspicion with Amy Shuman, touching on the topic of political asylum.)
- Silva, Daniella and Alex Johnson. "Thousands nationwide protest family separations at U.S.-Mexico border." The New York Times, 14 June 2018. (Article about the protests and demonstrations about the separation of migrant children from their parents, quoting Associate Professor Beth Sutton-Ramspeck.)
- Harris, Rachel Lee. "Another 360 at the Skate Park, This One Full of Joy." The New York Times, 5 May 2018. (Wedding annoucement for PhD candidate Ayendy Bonifacio and Joey Kim, PhD.)
- Williams, Andreá, “Marriage and the Single Black Woman.” Interview by Frank Stasio. The State of Things. WUNC, Chapel Hill, 11 April 2018.
Articles and opinion pieces
- Fagan Grandinetti, Kathy. "Ode to Julia Morgan." San Francisco Chronicle, 14 February 2018.
- Jackson, Tom. "New book features Sandusky poet forgotten for more than a century." The Sandusky Register, 11 February 2018. (Elizabeth Renker quoted on the historical importance of poet Carrie Ella Barney.)
- Gavin, Jessica. "OSU Lima celebrates Black History Month with 'Athletes and Patriotism' forum." Hometown Stations, 8 February 2018. (Overview of presentation by Jessica Johnson about history of African Americans in protest and the implications of prominent sports-based protests today.)
- Hamlin, Hannibal, with Steven Galbraith. "The King James Bible: Background, Creation & Influence." Podcast interview with Paul Vogelzang, for "The Not Old - Better Show." Previewing a day-long Smithsonian Associates Education Program, 17 March, 2018. (Alternate link to podcast.)
Articles and opinion pieces
- Fagan Grandinetti, Kathy. "Poem with Its Heart Buried under the Floorboards" selected by Terance Hayes in The New York Times Magazine, 15 December, 2017.
- Mogan, Jerrod. "Experts: Trump immigration plan could stunt Ohio State effort to increase diversity." The Lantern, 29 January 2018. (Frederick Luis Aldama quoted on the implications of the Trump administration's stricter immigration policies, especially the effects it will have on diversity at Ohio State.)
- Aldama, Frederick Luis. "An interview with Frederick Luis Aldama regarding his new book, Latinx Superheroes in Mainstream Comics." La Bloga, interviewed by Daniel A. Olivas, 15 January 2018
- Eulich, Whitney. "Pixar's Day-of-the-Dead film 'Coco' aims to shake up image of Mexico." The Christian Science Monitor, 21 November 2017. (Frederick Luis Aldama quoted on the importance of correcting Latin American stereotypes in film and popular culture.)
- Fischer, Jim. "Arts feature: ‘Looking Backward, Looking Forward.’" Alive, 21 November 2017. (Jared Gardner quoted on the portrayal of immigration in cartoons and the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum's exhibit “Looking Backward, Looking Forward: U.S. Immigration in Cartoons and Comics.")
- Lagatta, Eric. "‘Universe’ concept, genre mixing help boost status, popularity of superhero films." The Columbus Dispatch, 19 November 2017. (Jared Gardner quoted on the longevity of the superhero genre's popularity in film.)
- Hamilton. "Serrano Publishes Review of Latinx Comics Anthology." Hamilton News & Events, 4 December 2017. (Notice of Nhora Lucía Serrano's review of Graphic Borders: Latino Comic Books Past, Present and Future, edited by Frederick Luis Aldama.)
- Ray, Chase-Anthony. "Columbus Teens Rediscover Creativity through Comic Books." The Lantern, 19 October 2017. (About the experiences of local K-12 students at the 2017 SÕL-CON: The Black and Brown Comix Expo, co-founded by Frederick Luis Aldama.)
- Aldama, Frederick Luis. "Classes on Comic Books—OSU Professor's Push for Diversity." A Slice of Life, Interviewed by Adam Slinger. ABC 6. 20 October 2017. Television. (Footage of Aldama's English-3378: Comics & Film class accompanied by an interview.)
- Bonifacio, Ayendy. "Bilingual Author Talk: Dique Dominican:" Interviewed by Héctor Valdez and Maria DelValle. TeleCentro, WLCH. 21 November 2017. Television and Radio. (Interview about Bonifacio's book, Dique Dominican, bilingualism, and the immigrant experience.)
- Firth Green, Richard. "Fairies and Fairy Tales from Shakespeare, to Grimm's, to the Modern Age." WNPR: All Things Considered, Interviewed by Colin McEnroe. 3 October 2017. (Interview with Professor Emeritius of English Richard Firth Green.)
- Finkel, Jori. "In the Art World, 'Latinx' Marks a Gender-Free Spot'." The New York Times, 11 September 2017. (Frederick Luis Aldama quoted on the sigificance and usage of the term 'Latinx'.)
Press releases
- University of Houston-Victoria. "Writer Wants to Share Stories Left Out of History." Victoria, Texas: University of Houston-Victoria, 1 November 2017. Web. (Profile of Frederick Luis Aldama and his personal motivations for writing his latest book, Long Stories Cut Short: Fictions from the Borderlands.)
- Primiani, Alex. "Latinographix, a New Comics Series from OSU Press, Hopes to Give Voice to Latinx in the US." Melville House, 15 September 2017. (Review of OSU Press' new Latinographix comics series, edited by Frederick Luis Aldama.)
- Sanchez, Casey. "Superpowering La Raza: "Latinx Comic Book Storytelling." Santa Fe New Mexican, 15 September 2017. (Review of Frederick Luis Aldama's book, Latinx Comic Book Storytelling: An Odyssey by Interview.)
- Lagatta, Eric. "OSU Press Introduces of Illustrated Books of Latino Fiction, Nonfiction." The Columbus Dispatch, 14 September 2017. (Subsription required) (Review of OSU Press' new Latinographix comics series, edited by Frederick Luis Aldama.)