Several student-run graduate organizations are affiliated with the Department of English directly or indirectly (by virtue of having an English faculty member as an advisor). These organizations offer all graduates the chance to network with other students who share their interest in English studies, get to know our English faculty and serve as active participants in the life of the department. All organizations, publications and opportunities are located on the Columbus campus unless otherwise noted.
- Disability Studies Graduate Student Association (DSGSA): DSGSA is for those graduate students who are completing the interdisciplinary specialization in disability studies or who are interested in learning more about the specialization and disability studies at the university. The association provides the opportunity for students to network with each other, and therefore, to learn about the ways that disability studies intersects with other academic disciplines.
- English Graduate Organization (EGO): EGO is a professional development, networking and advocacy group for all graduate students in the English department. EGO allows graduate students to have a tangible impact on departmental decisions and policies. Elected to specific committees, EGO officers coordinate academic and social events, serve on faculty committees and act as liaisons between graduate students and administration, providing a crucial voice in discussions that affect students’ day-to-day lives and future careers. In addition to promoting the interests of a dynamic graduate student body, EGO offers a valuable opportunity for its officers to prepare for service responsibilities in a profession that thrives on self-governance. EGO officers can vote at monthly English Department Council meetings, which all graduate students can attend.
- Graduate Association for Mental Health Action and Advocacy (GAMHAA): GAMHAA is organized for the purpose of providing support and advocating for the needs of Ohio State graduate students’ mental health and wellness. The association provides the opportunity for students to join together to make the university a healthier, more egalitarian place by spreading awareness, enacting anti-stigma initiatives and advocating for positive grassroots change in the way graduate study is conducted at Ohio State.
- The Journal: The award-winning literary journal of The Ohio State University, The Journal contributes significantly toward the literary landscape of Ohio and the nation. The Journal seeks to identify and encourage emerging writers while also attracting the work of established writers to create a diverse and compelling magazine.
- Writer's Guild: Each Ohio State University MFA candidate is a member of Writers Guild, an organization dedicated to enhancing student life and the university community through fundraisers, social activities, industry panels and recognition of graduating classmates. Its board serves as a liaison between graduate students and faculty to discuss developments and communicate news.