Department announces 2021 graduate award winners

The Department of English congratulates the following graduate award winners on their outstanding accomplishments. The recipients of these awards include any Ohio State graduate student who has earned an award for any of our department programs/concentrations, for our special graduate prizes and for select college/university programs and national organizations.
Grants awarded to subsidize research-related expenses of graduate students studying business and professional writing.
$100 for the best essay or nonfiction book chapter by a graduate student.
- Margie Sarsfield
$1,000 for the best poem or group of no more than three poems by a graduate student.
Honorable Mention
$1,000 for the best short story by a student in the MFA Program in Creative Writing.
Honorable Mention
$600 for the best body of fiction by a second- or third-year student in the MFA Program in Creative Writing.
Honorable Mention
$600 for the best body of poetry by a second- or third-year student in the MFA Program in Creative Writing.
$600 for the best body of nonfiction by a second- or third-year student in the MFA Program in Creative Writing.
Honorable Mention
For the recognition of outstanding digital media project(s) completed by a graduate student in the Department of English, either in a seminar or as part of the student's research or creative work.
For demonstrated excellence in teaching First-Year Writing by an experienced graduate teaching assistant, based upon review of syllabi, assignment prompts, student evaluations and teaching philosophy.
For a first-year graduate teaching assistant who demonstrates excellence in teaching First-Year Writing, based upon student evaluations and observations of teaching. Sponsored by Cengage Publishing.
For demonstrated excellence in teaching Second-Year Writing by an experienced graduate teaching assistant, based upon review of syllabi, assignment prompts, student evaluations and teaching philosophy.
John M. Muste (1927-2002) was a long-time member of the department. He worked in twentieth-century literature and culture and, like Marlene Longnecker, was a stalwart citizen of the department, serving as Director of Graduate Studies and Vice Chair. Before retiring in 1986, he served as Associate Dean of the College of Humanities. Upon retiring, John and the College of Humanities established this fund which the department named in his honor.
Honorable Mentions
The Sheldon Sacks Award has been given since 1997 when James Phelan established it as a way to honor the teacher who introduced him to narrative theory. After receiving his Ph.D. at the University of Chicago in the late 1950s, Sheldon Sacks taught at the University of Texas and the University of California Berkeley before returning to Chicago in 1968, where he remained until his death in 1979. He is best-known as the author of Fiction and the Shape of Belief, the founding editor of Critical Inquiry, and an inspirational teacher and advisor.
The Robert M. Estrich Fellowship Fund was established October 5, 1990, by the Board of Trustees of The Ohio State University, with gifts to The Ohio State University Development Fund from Alice E. Estrich of Columbus, Ohio, colleagues, friends, and former students in memory of Robert M. Estrich (M.A., English ‘29; Ph.D., English ‘35), Professor Emeritus, The Ohio State University Department of English. Robert Estrich was chair of the Department of English from 1952 to 1964, during which he presided over the department’s enormous WWII growth. In both his brilliant hiring and his democratizing of internal governance, he was instrumental in transforming the department into both a model within the university and a national presence in the academic profession.
Established by the Department of English Human Rights Working Group in Autumn 2014, the English Graduate Human Rights Award is given to the best academic paper or multi-modal project produced in a Department of English graduate course or independent study in the past year. Submissions should demonstrate a critical engagement with the literature, rhetoric, narrative, folklore, histories, laws, and/or cultural practices of human rights.
The Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum showcases the innovative and exemplary research being conducted by Ohio State graduate students across the full range of graduate degree programs and facilitates fruitful exchanges between students, faculty, the administration, and the public.
This prestigious fellowship, awarded by the Graduate School, recognizes the scholarly accomplishments and potential of graduate students entering the final phase of their dissertation research or terminal degree project. Each fellowship provides financial support so the recipient may devote one full year to the completion of their work unimpeded by other duties.
The Global Arts + Humanities Graduate Fellows Program brings together a cohort of graduate students whose projects intersect with one or more of the GAHDT Focus Areas – providing students with an opportunity to gain cross-disciplinary mentorship while being embedded in a collaborative ecology. The program aims to give graduate students in the arts and humanities an essential toolkit of skills as they prepare to enter a newly evolving job market – one that is highly dependent on networks, technology and a collaborative ethos.
The Billy Hill Scholarship is awarded to a graduate or professional student who has illustrated a commitment to battle against illiteracy through prior extra‐curricular involvement and/or academic pursuits or is seeking a profession in the public service arena.
The Larry Williamson Service Award is awarded biennially to an individual or organization recognized as an “Influencer of Change” for services provided to minority students through voluntary personal involvement that enriches and enhances the quality of student life at Ohio State.
This grants program enhances opportunities for graduate students (PhD and MFA) in the arts and humanities to advance their research and/or creative practice fostering cross-disciplinary inquiry in alignment with GAHDT’s Society of Fellows and its annual theme.
This annual award recognizes a Graduate Teaching Associate who teaches writing in an innovative fashion: helping students overcome learning challenges, connecting writing to significant disciplinary concepts and improving teaching based on assessment and feedback.
The ENGIE-Axium Curricular Practical Training Scholarship (EA-CPT) provides every year up to $5,000 (capped), to 18 graduate or professional students seeking to study or work in Sustainability as part of their graduate curriculum. EA-CPT awards are based on nominations of current graduate students by Ohio State graduate programs to their respective Colleges.
The Iowa Review Awards are a writing contest in poetry, fiction, and creative nonfiction.
The Gerard A. Hauser Award is a national award that is presented to an outstanding graduate student paper at the biennial RSA conference to recognize the best essay by a graduate student delivered at the conference.
The CCCC James Berlin Memorial Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee honors a graduate whose dissertation improves the educational process in composition studies, or adds to the field’s body of knowledge, through research or scholarly inquiry.
Honorable Mention
The Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Lavender Rhetorics Award is presented annually to four works (one book, one article or book chapter, one dissertation, and one nontraditional scholarly text) published within the past two years that best make queer interventions into the study of composition and rhetoric.