Department announces 2023 faculty and staff award winners

The Department of English congratulates the following faculty and staff award winners on their outstanding accomplishments!
This award, originally given by Department of English Alumni Advisory Board in 2008, honors Marlene Longenecker for the occasion of her retirement from the faculty. Each year it honors a faculty member selected for their combination of distinguished teaching and outstanding Department and University service and citizenship.
This award goes to a person whose energy, creativity, skills and intelligence have made the working lives of faculty, students and fellow staff more productive and enjoyable. Our staff is a high-functioning team, and every member contributes to the department's success; this award is not meant to single out one member as more important, but, rather, to recognize superb attitude and efficacy.
This award, organized by the English Graduate Organization, recognizes a professor in the Department of English who has demonstrated commitment to graduate student success through excellence in teaching and advising. All Department of English graduate students are invited to nominate and to vote.
This award recognizes a professor who has demonstrated remarkable commitment to students, taught a course in a truly unique way, and/or provided students with an exceptional learning experience. The English Undergraduate Organization (EUGO) oversees the selection process for these awards, inviting all English majors to participate in an online voting process and collaborating with the winners of the previous year’s awards as necessary to determine the current winner.
This award recognizes an Associated Faculty member who has demonstrated remarkable commitment to students, taught a course in a truly unique way, and/or provided students with an exceptional learning experience. The English Undergraduate Organization (EUGO) oversees the selection process for these awards, inviting all English majors to participate in an online voting process and collaborating with the winners of the previous year’s awards as necessary to determine the current winner.
The Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professorship is an honorific title, not a new faculty rank. This award serves to honor full professor colleagues who have excelled in teaching, service, and research/creative activity, and whose work has demonstrated significant impact on their fields, students, college and university, and/or the public.
Virginia Hull Award fund supports diversity at the university, consistent with the university's mission, with particular attention to, but not limited to, female faculty members in the Humanities who are at the rank of assistant or associate professor.
Excellence in Teaching Award supports a faculty member in the Department of English and faculty member in the Department of History for teaching excellence.
The Honors Faculty Service Award recognizes excellence in honors advising, honors instruction, honors committee work, and other honors initiatives and responsibilities which have enhanced the quality of education available to honors students in the liberal arts.
This award is presented annually to a faculty member, regular staff member or student from within The Ohio State University College of Arts and Sciences who has demonstrated outstanding mentoring to and/or leadership on behalf of women or other historically underrepresented groups at the university.
The Society of Fellows fosters a multidisciplinary community of faculty, undergraduate and graduate students that support the synthesis and translation of knowledge across disciplines to engage critical societal challenges in the form of an annual theme. These fellowships provide faculty with release time (two-course reduction) to focus on a scholarly and/or creative project that advances the seminar theme.
The Women’s Place (TWP) is committed to expanding opportunities for women and underrepresented groups to grow their leadership and power at the university. To promote this goal, TWP sponsors the Staff Leadership Series (SLS), a year-long initiative that enables university staff members to enhance their leadership skills, effectiveness and career development.
The Provost's Midcareer Scholars: Scarlet and Gray Associate Professor Program honors and recognizes tenure-track faculty who have recently been appointed to the rank of associate professor with tenure and have demonstrated significant accomplishments in their discipline(s).
The Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Awards celebrates diversity efforts at Ohio State and rewards individuals and groups for their commitment to the university’s shared values, especially the values of diversity and innovation, and inclusion and equity.
The Distinguished Scholar Award is among the highest annual honors The Ohio State University bestows on a faculty member in recognition of outstanding scholarly activity, research or creative works.
The Robert A. Barnes Award for Exemplary Teaching is awarded to an Ohio State Newark tenured faculty member who has established a record of excellent teaching at the Newark campus for at least 10 years. Candidates for the award are nominated annually by an anonymous ballot distributed to all full-time Ohio State Newark faculty.
The Nancy Dasher Award, given by the College English Association of Ohio (CEAO), recognizes outstanding publications by faculty members from a CEAO-member department in one of three areas each year: professional and pedagogical issues, creative writing, and literary scholarship and criticism (including theory).
Each year, the Guggenheim Foundation awards approximately 175 fellowships to individuals making their mark in the social sciences, the natural sciences, the humanities, and the creative arts.
Rewarding excellence in the field of scholarly reviewing from learning journals at Liverpool University Press. Carefully selected by our journal editors, these individuals have provided an exceptional service to their disciplines by contributing timely, rigorous and thoughtful peer reviews to some of the leading publications in their fields in 2022.
The Public Service Commendation Medal (PSCM) is the fourth-highest public service decoration that the Army can bestow upon a civilian. The PSCM is awarded for distinguished service or achievements that contribute to the accomplishment of an Army mission.
American Antiquarian Society members—who currently number over one thousand individuals—are elected by their colleagues in recognition of their eminent works of scholarship, artistic endeavors, or public engagement in pre-twentieth-century American history and culture. Additionally, people are also elected for their broad support of cultural institutions, manifest interest in bibliographical and collecting matters, or distinction as community or national leaders in humanistic affairs.
Elected Member
This award is a part of the Greater Columbus Arts Council’s Artists Elevated endowment campaign, designed to uplift individual artists through investment
Featured in The Best American Essays 2022
The William Carlos Williams Award is given out by the Poetry Society of America for a poetry book published by a small press, non-profit or university press.