
December congratulations go out to...

WRL faculty and staff

  • Elizabeth Weiser, who was re-elected as the sole American on the Executive Board of ICOFOM the world’s largest network of museum scholars, as the Managing Editor of their journal and other publications. An amazing achievement!

WRL graduate students

  • D'Arcee Charington Neal, who published "Book Review: Dislike-Minded: Media, Audiences, and the Dynamics of Taste" in Communication Design Quarterly. Exciting!
  • Melissa Guadrón, who has been named a 2022-2023 Presidential Fellow. Congratulations!
  • Amelia Lawson, who successfully defended her dissertation and earned her PhD in December. Congratulations Dr. Lawson!

WRL alumni

  • Louis M. Maraj, who was awarded the National Communication Association’s Critical and Cultural Studies Division 2022 Outstanding Book Award for his book Black or Right: Anti/Racist Campus Rhetorics as well as their Critical and Cultural Studies Division Scholar-Activist Award, which “honors a scholar who significantly contributes to their communities above and beyond their research and teaching while also imbuing their research, teaching, and/or service with activist interventions.” Congratulations on the amazing work!

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November congratulations go out to...

WRL faculty and staff

  • Allison Kranek, who received the International Writing Centers Association (IWCA) Outstanding Article Award for “It’s Crowded in Here: ‘Present Others’ in Advanced Graduate Writers’ Sessions,” co-authored with María Paz Carvajal Regidor. What an honor!
  • Dr. Susan Lang, Chris Manion and Allison Kranek, who presented "Wrap-Around Research, Teaching, and Support: Developing and Sustaining Cultures of Writing at a Large Flagship Institution" at the International Writing Centers Association Conference in Vancouver. Congratulations!

WRL graduate students

  • Morgan Beers, who published a book review in Programmatic Perspectives vol. 13, no. 1, Spring 2022. Morgan reviewed Radiant Figures: Visual Rhetorics in Everyday Administrative Contexts, ed. by Rachel Gramer, Logan Bearden and Derek Mueller. Looking forward to reading the review!
  • Keira Hambrick, who had an article published in Across the Disciplines. Keira's article, co-authored with Genie Nicole Giaimo, is titled "Understanding the Challenges and Needs of International STEM Graduate Students: Implications for Writing Center Writing Groups." Can't wait to read it!

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October congratulations go out to...

WRL faculty

  • Dr. Jonathan Buehl, who was accepted and offered membership into the 2022-2023 Global Arts + Humanities Discovery Theme Imagined Futures Community of Practice. Very exciting!
  • Dr. Elizabeth Weiserwho delivered the keynote address at the International Committee for Museology conference in Prague, Czechia. Dr. Weiser's address was titled, “Breaking the Taboo of Silence without Breaking the Nation.” Congratulations!

WRL alumni

Do you have something to celebrate? We want to hear about it! Please fill out this form.


WRL'bration Archive

August congratulations go out to...

WRL grad students

  • Melissa Guadrón, who was appointed as a member of the Medical Rhetoric Standing Group Graduate Student Committee. Congratulations, Melissa!
  • Angel Evans, who published her first solo-authored article, "From David Walker to John Chilembwe: Global Black Collectivity as Resisting Race and Affirming Culture" in Rhetoric Society Quarterly 52.3. Can't wait to read it!

WRL faculty

WRL alumni

Do you have something to celebrate? We want to hear about it! Please fill out this form.

April congratulations go out to...

WRL grad students:

  • Morgan Beers, Liliana Perez Rodriguez and Eduardo Mabilog, who presented “Mapping Alternative Narratives of Movement around Writing Centers: Three Graduate Students’ Experiences in Moving Away from their ‘Homes’” at Eastern Central Writing Central Association Conference at Michigan State University. Very cool!
  • Noah Bukowski, who was named to the 2022-23 Society of Fellows supported by the Global Arts and Humanities Discovery Theme for his dissertation project. Awesome job!
  • Caleb González, who was invited to teach a summer course in travel writing at Shanghai University. Have a blast!
  • Melissa Guadrón, who was named the Andrea Abernathy Lunsford Fellow in WRL. Congratulations!
  • Addison Koneval, who will be the Edward PJ Corbett Fellow in WRL. Way to go!
  • Christopher Morris, who won the department’s 2022 Muste Award for Best Dissertation in English for his dissertation, “Redeveloping Participation: Rhetorics and Ontologies of Participatory Discourse in the Technical Communication of U.S. Public Housing Policy.” Well-deserved!
  • Liliana Perez Rodriguez, who—for her incredible work as an FYW GTA—won the 2022 award for Excellence in Teaching by a First-Year Graduate Teaching Assistant. Wow, Lily!

WRL faculty:

  • Dr. John Jones, who received a Sustainability Education Grant to design English 3022, Media Sustainability, for the new GE. Congrats!

WRL alumni:

Do you have something to celebrate? We want to hear about it! Please fill out this form.

March congratulations go out to...

WRL grad students:

WRL alumni:

  • Dr. Sean Kamperman, whose leadership resulted in a fantastically comprehensive accessibility guide for Cs 2022 which we imagine will be used for years to come.
  • Dr. Krista Kurlinkus who is sharing with the world her Intro to Grant Writing workbook.
  • Dr. Louis Maraj, who won the 2022 CCCC Outstanding Book Award for Black or Right: Anti/Racist Campus RhetoricsThis innovative project offers “four Black rhetorics as antiracist means for rhetorical reclamation—autoethnography, hashtagging, inter(con)textual reading, and reconceptualized disruption” and “uses Black feminist relationality via an African indigenous approach.”  This is a must-read for all of us.
  • Dr. Pritha Prasad, who recently published “Backchannel Pedagogies: Unsettling Racial Teaching Moments and White Futurity” in Present Tense: A Journal of Rhetoric in Society. One of the many fantastic questions Prasad asks is: “What does it mean for BIPOC, especially in the academy where teaching holds profound cultural and economic value, when past racism is repackaged as future pedagogical opportunity?”

Do you have something to celebrate? We want to hear about it! Please fill out this form.

February congratulations go out to...

WRL grad students:

WRL faculty:

WRL alumni:

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January congratulations go out to...

WRL grad students:

  • Angel Evans, who won a 2022 CCCC Scholars for the Dream Travel Award for their work on how “the lived writing process—as embodied by Black scholars—can function as a transformative mode of knowledge-making and offer universal implications for what it means to heal.”

WRL faculty and staff:

  • Dr. John Jones, who was recognized as a Buckeye Access All-Star for promoting access for students with disabilities. His nominating student wrote that he “required that all student class presentations meet accessibility standards. He is responsive to accommodation letters and makes asking for support painless.”
  • Dr. Elizabeth Weiser, who won a National Science Foundation Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Grant worth $1,444,207 for “Enhancing a Transfer Pathway to Improve STEM Student Success” with Jefferson Roberts, William MacDonald, Karen Goodell, and Melissa Buelow.

Do you have something to celebrate? We want to hear about it! Please fill out this form.

December congratulations go out to...

WRL grad students:

  • Caleb González, who won the 2022 K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award from the Association of American Colleges and Universities. This award recognizes graduate students who show “exemplary promise as future leaders of higher education and who are committed to academic innovation in the areas of equity, community engagement, and teaching and learning.” Impressively, Caleb is only the second Ohio State student to win this award—check out this December 9th press release!
  • Keira Hambrick, who won a Presidential Fellowship—the most prestigious award given by the Graduate School! This fellowship will help Keira to complete her dissertation “Prior Knowledge and Transfer of Learning in First Year Composition” (advisor: Dr. Kay Halasek).
  • Yanar Hashlamon, who completed his tenure as graduate co-editor of The Peer Review, where he demonstrated excellence in both vision and leadership. Great work on this important service, Yanar!

WRL faculty and staff:

WRL alumni:

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November congratulations go out to...

WRL faculty:

WRL collaborations:

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October congratulations go out to...

WRL faculty:

WRL alumni:

Do you have something to celebrate? We want to hear about it! Please fill out this form.

September congratulations go out to...

WRL grad students:

WRL faculty:

WRL alumni:

Do you have something to celebrate? We want to hear about it! Please fill out this form.