Workday Process: Paying People

Payments to individuals are governed by the Department of Labor’s Fair Labor Standards Act as well as the Department of Education and associated university policies on employment and expenditures.  This page outlines the various university processes associated with paying people. Please note, these processes can take anywhere from one to seven weeks to complete. Please see what information is required to initiate each process and we’ll do our best to assist you as quickly as possible. 

Ohio State Students

The basis for student employment is to provide university students with financial support in pursuit of their academic goals, provide opportunities for them to gain job experience, and to help meet the needs of the university. The job duties and responsibilities of student employees vary greatly and may or may not be related to their field of study. For more information, please see the university’s Student Employment policy. For an overview of the student hiring process, see the Administrative Resource Center Hiring a Student job aid.

What we need from you? 

  • The name of the employee who will supervise the student
  • The title of the student’s position
  • A position description
  • The average number of hours per week the student will work
  • The hourly wage the student will earn
  • The planned dates of employment
  • The funding source worktags you will use to pay the student
  • If you’ve already identified a student to hire, the name of the student and their university identification number 

Who can help? 

  • Please email this information to at least seven weeks before the work is scheduled to begin.
  • will verify the supervisor has an existing supervisory organization setup in Workday to support the new position
  • will verify Manager Liaison access to submit the job requisition on the supervisor’s behalf
  • will initiate a job requisition
  • Upon approval, 
    • If you’ve already identified a student to hire, HR’s Talent Acquisition Coordinator will update the supervisor by email and provide a link to the job posting so the student can officially apply for the position.
    • If you haven’t identified a student, HR’s Talent Acquisition Coordinator will post the job on the Careers at Ohio State webpage and notify the supervisor with further directions.
  • Once posted, applicants may apply
  • Once a candidate is selected, inform HR’s Talent Acquisition Coordinator so they can extend the official letter of offer
  • Once signed, the HR Services Center will hire the employee to begin on the next available pay period start date.  

Associated Job Aids and Resources

The Graduate School does not permit fellows to be employed; however, they permit supplemental payments to the fellow’s stipend. 

What we need from you? 

  • The name of the student and their university identification number
  • The dates during which the student’s stipend should be supplemented
  • A description of the activity in which the student will be engaged
  • The amount of the compensation
  • The funding source worktags 

Who can help? 

  • Please email this information to Wayne Lovely (.9) one month before the student should receive the supplemental payment
  • Wayne will email this information to the Graduate School Fellowship Services Office
  • The Graduate School staff will add this payment as a supplement to the fellow’s existing stipend 

The Graduate School permits graduate students to work up to an average of 30 hours per week. Payments to graduate students who are already working 20 hours per week require Graduate School approval which may add another week of processing time. 

When should I use a one-time payment?

A one-time payment should be used for short-term projects lasting less than a month.

What we need from you? 

  • The name of the student and their university identification number
  • Their dates of employment
  • A position description
  • The amount of compensation
  • The funding source worktags 

Who can help? 

What we need from you? 

  • The name of the person who will supervise the student
  • The position title for the student position
  • A position description
  • The average number of hours per week the student will work
  • The amount of compensation
  • The dates of employment
  • The funding source worktags
  • If you’ve already identified a student to hire, the name of student and their university identification number 

Who can help? 

  • Please email this information to at least eight weeks before the work is scheduled to begin.
  • will verify the supervisor has an existing supervisory organization setup in Workday to support the new position
  • will verify Manager Liaison access to submit the job requisition on the supervisor’s behalf
  • will initiate a job requisition
  • Upon approval, HR’s Talent Acquisition Coordinator will post the job on the Careers at Ohio State webpage and update the supervisor
  • Once posted, applicant may apply
  • Once a candidate is selected, inform HR’s Talent Acquisition Coordinator so they extend the official letter of offer
  • Once signed, the HR Services Center will hire the employees to begin on the next available pay period start date.  

Associated Job Aid 

Create Job Requisition (For New Position) 

Federal regulations require that all financial resources, excluding compensation, received by a student be included as part of their financial aid package. 

What we need from you? 

  • The name of the student and their university identification number.
  • The amount of award
  • The award Item Type #
    • If the award hasn’t been setup previously with the Office of Student Financial Aid (SFA), this setup/Item Type process will be necessary
    • The Item Type requires at least two weeks of processing time
  • Supporting documentation of the award 

Who can help? 

  • Please email this information to one month before the student needs the funding.
  • will report the award information to our SFA liaison
  • The SFA liaison will post the award to the student’s BuckeyeLink Statement of Account 

Ohio State Non-Student Employees

If you need to transfer funds to another university employee/office, a university funds transfer is required. 

What we need from you? 

  • The name of the employee recipient
  • The amount of funding
  • The funding source worktags
  • The name of the recipient's fiscal officer
  • Supporting documentation 

Who can help? 

  • Email this information to Wayne Lovely (.9) two weeks before the funding is needed.
  • Wayne will initiate the funds transfer 

What we need from you? 

  • The name of the employee and their university identification number
  • The dates of employment
  • A position description
  • The amount of compensation
  • The funding source worktags 

Who can help? 

Individuals Outside of Ohio State

Honoraria are payments for one-time teaching or speaking engagements to individuals who are not employed by the university.  

What we need from you? 

  • The individual’s name and email address
  • The date(s) of engagement
  • Detailed business purpose, including who (guest), when (dates & times), where (location, in-person vs Zoom), and why (event).
  • Documentation of the engagement (flyer, etc.)
  • Completed Supplier Setup Form [PDF]
  • The funding source worktags you’re using to pay the individual
  • The amount to be paid

Who can help? 

  • Please email this information to six weeks before your engagement.
  • Once the form is returned, will create a Miscellaneous Payment Request in Workday around the date of the event (+/- 1 day). Please note that miscellaneous payments cannot be processed until after the event’s completion date, and it will take at least 3 weeks for the guest to receive payment once submitted.

Associated Job Aids:  

Before proceeding, please review OSU’s Independent Contractor Guidelines.

What we need from you? 

Who can help? 

  • Please email this information to at least four weeks before the work is scheduled to begin.
  • Once the Workday requisition is submitted, our service center associate will send the supplier an invitation to register as a supplier in Workday.
  • Once the supplier is setup and the requisition and approved, a Purchase Order will be issued to the supplier, authorizing them to begin the service. Work cannot begin until the Purchase Order has been issued.
  • Once the service has been fulfilled, the supplier should email an invoice to in order to request payment.

Associated Job Aid 

Create a Requisition to Procure Goods & Services