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Department of English welcomes new hires

As students, staff and faculty settle into the semester, we want to take a moment to welcome our new hires to the English department! Please send a warm welcome to our newcomers this semester.…

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PhD student Caleb Gonzalez acknowledged by Vice President Kamala Harris for his endeavors in the field of writing education

By Anushka Mukherjee

Earlier this year, PhD student Caleb Gonzalez wrote a letter to Vice President Kamala D. Harris about how his students in the Young Scholars Program used writing to examine topics related to K-12…

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A celebration of Amy Shuman on the occasion of her retirement

Project Narrative and the Department of English celebrated Professor Amy Shuman on the occasion of her retirement. 

During her…

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English faculty explore the intersection of the humanities and artificial intelligence

ChatGPT. Bard. Watson. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology is growing rapidly, with implications for every area of our lives, from the home to the workplace to the classroom…

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Andreá N. Williams recipient of Susan M. Hartmann Mentoring and Leadership Award

The Department of English is excited to announce that Professor Andreá N. Williams has received the Susan M. Hartmann Mentoring and Leadership Award.…

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Department announces 2023 faculty and staff award winners

The Department of English congratulates the following faculty and staff award winners on their outstanding accomplishments!

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Graduate students excel at Hayes Research Forum

The Department of English would like to congratulate Morgan Podraza on winning first place, Chris Turpin on winning third place and Sabrina Durso for earning an honorable mention in the Humanities…

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Department announces 2023 graduate award winners

The Department of English congratulates the following graduate award winners on their outstanding accomplishments. The recipients of these awards include any Ohio State graduate student who…


Robert L. and Phyllis J. Iles Award for Graduate Study of Myth

The Department of English is excited to announce that Evan DeCarlo has received the Robert L. and Phyllis J. Iles Award for Graduate Study of Myth.…