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A virtual coffee shop: A portrait of the artist in a pandemic

When Emerita Professor Katherine Burkman has an idea, she’s not going to waste any time getting it out into the world, pandemic or not. Which, in 2020, means that Burkman’s new musical, …

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Maggie Smith, MFA alumna and author of viral poem "Good Bones," publishes new book

One possible metric by which to measure an artist’s success is the universality of their work. Can anyone regardless of age, gender, sexuality, race,…

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Alumnus Dr. Mark Rankin awarded National Endowment for the Humanities grant

Dr. Mark Rankin (Ph.D. English, 2007) has received a $159,005 grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to run a seminar on "…

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Alumna co-founds arts organization to connect creatives during quarantine

If there is one lesson to be learned from two months of quarantine, it is that humans will always find ways to form connections and communities. From virtual graduation ceremonies to drive-by…

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Congratulations, English Graduates!

Congratulations, Class of 2020! On behalf of the English department, we are so proud of you! We know that you’ll go on to do amazing things in the future, and we can’t wait to hear about them.…

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Ryan Mitchell Awarded Fulbright Grant to Turkey

Ryan Mitchell, double major in history of art and English, class of 2017, has been awarded a U.S. Student Fulbright Grant to pursue research in Turkey during the 2020-2021 academic year. Ryan will…

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Social Distancing Toolkit brought to you by the Department of English

As English majors, graduate students, faculty and friends of the English department, many of us find solace in our favorite books. During this unprecedented and challenging time, the…

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Alumnus Jon Theiss Champions Public Humanities with New Documentary

In times of crisis—times of boredom, fear, loneliness and, of course, hope—humanity reaches for the arts. Literary and visual art is a way to move between worlds; it is a way to digest emotions, a…

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Alumnus Matthew Martello Wins Graduate Award for Essay on Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt

Matthew Martello ’18, now a PhD Candidate in English at the University of Virginia, has continued his research interest in reclaimed poet Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt (1836-1919)—an interest that…