Corinne Sugino

Corinne Sugino

Corinne Sugino

Assistant Professor


  • BA, Politics & International Affairs and Religious Studies, Wake Forest University
  • MA, Rhetoric & Communication, University of Pittsburgh
  • PhD, Rhetoric & Communication, University of Pittsburgh

Corinne Sugino is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and Center for Ethnic Studies. Their research focus lies at the intersections of Asian American studies, cultural studies, rhetorical theory, and media studies. Corinne's first book project, Making the Human: Race, Allegory, and Asian Americans (Rutgers University Press, November 2024) explores how contemporary racial and gendered violence against Asian Americans naturalizes a limited understanding of what it means to be human. Beyond this project, her research interests also include discourses of false inclusion, comparative racialization, the Asian American movement, and transpacific race relations in Japan.

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