Julianna Crame
PhD in English Student
029 Denney Hall
164 Annie & John Glenn Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210
Areas of Expertise
- Asian American Literature and Culture
- Critical Ethnic Studies
- U.S. Empire Studies
- Queer Studies
- Business, Professional, and Technical Writing
- MA (English), University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2019
- BA (English), Eastern Washington University, 2017
Julianna Crame is a PhD Candidate (ABD) specializing in U.S. Ethnic and postcolonial literature. Her focus is on Asian American literature and especially Filipinx American literature. In her research, she utilizes a Queer of Color Critique lens to analyze literary depictions of Asian American families and the model minority myth. She emphasizes how interconnected race, gender, sexuality, and class-based systems of U.S. empire impact generation 1.5 and second-generation Asian Americans regardless of U.S. imperialist military interventions in their homelands given the inescapable nature of U.S. neocolonialism abroad and the ongoing settler colonial systems within the domestic U.S. predicated on the erasure of Native American people and alienation of Asian Americans. She has presented her research at various academic conferences, such as the American Studies Association Annual Conference, South Asian Literary Association Conference, and the Multiethnic Literature in the United States Annual Conference.
She is also the Graduate Writing Program Assistant for OSU’s Business, Professional, and Technical Writing Program. Julianna is interested in the social justice turn in both the business and technical writing fields and how instructors from various academic focuses can bring new perspectives into teaching these courses. With that in mind, she assisted in redesigning the Technical Writing curriculum in the English Department to encourage students to view the field through a decolonial lens.
Selected Publications:
- “Suffering in Silence: Japanese Colonial Oppression and Ryukyuan Assimilation in Kushi Fusako’s Works.” Sing Goddess: Essays on World Literature, edited by Jarret Keene, W.W Norton & Company, 2019, pp. 120-126.
- “Review of Ben Jonson Theatrical Performances from 2007-2017.” The Ben Jonson Journal, vol. 26, no. 2, November 2019.
- “Book Review—Transitive Cultures: Anglophone Literature of the Transpacific.” Popular Culture Review, vol. 30, no. 2, Summer 2019.