Introducing the English Department’s Newest Hires

October 3, 2024

Introducing the English Department’s Newest Hires

Book with the words welcome to our team on the book's page

As the autumn semester continues and everyone begins to settle in, we want to take a moment to introduce our new hires in the Department of English!


Charles Athanasopoulos is Assistant Professor of African American and African Studies & English. He received his PhD in Rhetoric & Communication from the University of Pittsburgh, and his research interests lie at the intersection of Black rhetorics, media, and culture. He has published many peer-reviewed articles in venues such as Lateral: The Journal of the Cultural Studies Association and the Western Journal of Communication. He is the author of Black Iconoclasm: Public Symbols, Racial Progress, and Post/Ferguson America.

Paige Mason is a Senior Lecturer teaching business writing courses. As a post-secondary instructor, Paige has served as a recitation leader, grader, and instructor of record at Auburn University and Ohio State. She has also been a facilitator for the Drake Institute’s Graduate Teaching Orientation, where she was a co-teacher for pedagogy workshops for new graduate teaching associates. Mason has been an instructor for a variety of classes, including first- and second-year writing; British, American and world literatures; introduction to film; business writing; disability studies; video games and tabletop games; and introduction to fiction. Mason has published and is working on publications in game studies, utopian studies, Victorian literature, and life writing.

Corinne Sugino is an Assistant Professor in the Department of English and the Center for Ethnic Studies. Their research focus lies at the intersections of Asian American studies, cultural studies, rhetorical theory, and media studies. Sugino's first book project, Making the Human: Race, Allegory, and Asian Americans explores how contemporary racial and gendered violence against Asian Americans naturalizes a limited understanding of what it means to be human. Beyond this project, her research interests also include discourses of false inclusion, comparative racialization, the Asian American movement, and transpacific race relations in Japan.

Front Desk

Tessa Bouton is a third-year English major with a specialization in creative writing and a minor in women's gender and sexuality studies. Expected to graduate in the spring of 2026, she would like to explore opportunities related to editing/script writing. Outside of classes, Tessa spreads positive messages with the OSU club Boo Radley!

Angie Cash is a second-year English and public management, leadership, and policy dual degree student with a minor in communications. She will graduate in the Spring of 2027. After graduation, she hopes to attend graduate school or work in non-profits. Outside of academics, Angie is a part of Alpha Phi Omega, Undergraduate Student Government, and Students for Sustainable Fashion

Tricia Halili-Felse is an English student with a dance minor due to graduate in the Spring of 2027. She is involved in the following extracurriculars: OSU's Pilipino Student Association, English Undergraduate Organization, and 3D Dance Team. In the future, she hopes to pursue a career in writing and editing for a media outlet.

Anna Pichler is a second-year English major specializing in literature, film, folklore, and popular culture studies. She will graduate in Spring 2027. Additionally, she is president of the English Undergraduate Organization and writes for The Lantern.

Ky Verona is an English and Japanese major slated to graduate in Spring 2025. Ky also works as a licensed chemical dependency counselor assistant, supporting those recovering from substance use disorder.

Libby Wallace is a fourth-year English major with a dance minor. She will also graduate in the Spring of 2025 with a yoga teaching certification. Outside of academics, Libby is involved in the student-run club Studio Dance and works at Tony’s Coneys. In the future, she hopes to teach yoga and work in the editing/publishing industry.

Communications Team

Sydney Friedt is a second-year Strategic Communication major with a minor in Professional Writing. She is an account lead with the PRactice working for the Original Goodie Shop, and is also the head of the social media, PR, and special events chairs for Phi Sigma Pi. She joined the Communications Team in August 2024

Lane Gray is a third-year double major in Strategic Communications and English, minoring in Fashion & Retail Studies. She is the director of marketing communications for the Student-Alumni Council and an exhibition intern at Urban Arts Space. She joined the Communications Team in August 2024.

Reem Kadimi-Skalli is a first year Sociology major with a double minor in philosophy and studio art. She joined the Communications Team in August 2024.

Audrey Williams is a second year English major specializing in literature, film and popular culture studies with a minor in environment, economy, development, and sustainability (EEDS). She is involved with Mountaineers at OSU and Fisher Ink, as well as the International Affairs Scholars. She joined the Communications Team in August 2024.

Digital Media Project

James Blakely is a PhD student specializing in digital rhetorics, cultural studies, and writing pedagogy. His scholarly contributions have been featured in prestigious publications such as Computers and Composition and the Sweetland Digital Rhetoric Collaborative's Blog Carnival. He has also presented his research at various national conferences.

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