Meet the new Assistant to the Chair of the English department, Travis Nixon

The Department of English would like to welcome Travis Nixon as the new Assistant to the Chair of the English department. His responsibilities include “overseeing Dr. Susan Williams’ calendars, helping to plan and execute events, helping departmental processes move between the chair and professors, and helping to run daily operations of the department.”
Nixon completed his undergraduate degree at Savannah State University, where he majored in mass communications with a focus in online journalism and earned a minor in political science. He then went on to receive his master’s in public administration, also from Savannah State University.
When asked to share a fun fact, Nixon said that he was born and raised in Columbus. So, while he’s new to the department, he’s no stranger to the city! Nixon also stated that his favorite book is Succeeding Against the Odds, by John H. Johnson and Lerone Bennett Jr.
Nixon shares that his experience in the department has been great so far, stating, “Everyone has been inviting and welcoming. I enjoy the atmosphere of the department, and Wayne Lovely and Dr. Williams have done a great job of showing me the ropes.” Finally, he says, “I am happy to be in the English department here at Ohio State, where I get to explore pop culture and literature everyday with my colleagues and students. Go Bucks!”
Be sure to stop by Nixon’s office to welcome him to the department!