English Research Talks is an ongoing series that provides faculty an opportunity to share their current scholarship or creative work with the department community, creating conversations about topics of shared interest. The department will hold four of these events across the 2023-2024 academic year, with two faculty members offering brief overviews of recently published work or work in progress at each one. Lunch is served at the start of these sessions and time set aside for discussion at the end.
November 6 Research Talk
Frank Donoghue, “War and College: An Overview”
Professor Frank Donoghue came to Ohio State in 1989 as a specialist in 18th-century British literature. Over time he has become more and more interested in the university as a workplace, both in the present and the future. His first book on that subject, The Last Professors, came out in 2009 (Fordham University Press). His next book, War and College, is forthcoming from Johns Hopkins University Press.
Marcus Jackson, “Leaning into the Restrictions and Allowances of Photographic Formats and Poetic Structures: Making Street Portraits and Poems across Differing Configurations”
Marcus Jackson is Associate Professor and Director of Creative Writing. He is the author of the poetry collections Pardon My Heart (Northwestern Press/TriQuarterly Books, 2018) and Neighborhood Register (CavanKerry Press, 2011). Right now, Marcus is working on a series of photographic portraits featuring strangers in public spaces and on a collection of poems exploring elegy, addiction, recovery, and secular reverence.