
Average class size for English majors
Courses for majors per semester
Graduate seminars per semester

Our Mission

The Department of English creates and teaches knowledge about literature, poetics, writing, media, language and cultures in the English-speaking world. The Department serves constituents both inside and outside the university — including interdisciplinary programs, service-learning projects and the discipline at large — and prepares students for careers inside and outside of academia. We believe that the analytical study of our sub-disciplines helps develop logical thought, awareness of the complexity of texts and of value judgments, apprehension of others’ points of view, and imagination. English studies can expand creative, communicative and cognitive capacities; can sharpen the ability to make difficult judgments; and can help us understand societies, times and cultures different from our own.


What We Care About

  • Human connection: community and communication
  • Finding meaning(s) in life
  • Making a difference in the world
  • Active, participatory learning
  • Textual production, creation and expression
  • Artifacts of language: books, media, writing, comics, talk
  • The arts of persuasion
  • The pleasures of analysis
  • The ways language structures the world and the self
  • Structural change for social justice
  • The history and future of English(es)
  • The interdependency of form and content



Recent News

Maggie Lardie

Maggie Lardie: Turning Passions into Possibilities

By Sydney Friedt

It’s safe to say that Maggie Lardie, an English major with a specialization in literature, film, folklore and popular culture studies and a screenwriting minor, has a deep love of storytelling.…

A short film still of bloodied candles.

Spooky Films by Students Show the Art of Horror

This article was orginally posted on The Ohio State Mansfield site. English 3264: Monsters Without and Within is offered on all Ohio State Campuses, varying by campus and term. To check your…

Kira Kadar Headshot

Kira Kadar Approaches Her English Major from All Sides

By Reem Kadimi-Skalli

For many graduating students, the transition from full-time student to full-time professional can be daunting: transferring classroom skills to a resume and cover letter and persevering through…

Left: Headshot of author Thao Thai. Right: Headshot of author Jess Everlee

Everything is Romantic ft. Alumni Jess Everlee and Thao Thai

By Reem Kadimi-Skalli

From chart-topping songs to box office hits and best-selling books, everyone is looking to get a little taste of romance. To date, romance novels remain the highest-grossing genre worldwide, but…

People Directory

Associate Director of First-Year Writing
MFA in Creative Writing Student