Areas of Expertise
- Digital media studies
- Electronic textual editing
- Literature and environment studies
- Rhetoric, composition and literacy
- Literacy studies
- PhD, Pennsylvania State University, 1985
- MA, Pennsylvania State University, 1980
- BA, Lycoming College, 1974
H. Lewis Ulman works in the areas of digital media, environment humanities and electronic textual editing.
He has authored Things, Thoughts, Words, and Actions: The Problem of Language in Late Eighteenth-Century British Rhetoric (SIUP, 1994), edited The Minutes of the Aberdeen Philosophical Society, 1758-1773 (Aberdeen UP, 1990) and published articles on eighteenth-century British philosophy and rhetoric, American nature writing and digital media. With Cynthia L. Selfe, he co-founded and co-directs the Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives, a publicly available archive of over 5,500 personal literacy narratives in a variety of formats (text, video, audio) that document the literacy practices and values of contributors.
Selected digital media projects:
The Digital Archive of Literacy Narratives (DALN) (2008)
Samuel Sullivan Cox's 'Journal of a Tour to Europe,' 1851 (2007)
The Letters of William B. Anderson to Mary Louisa (Fischgens) Anderson, 1862–1864 (2006)
My Dear Elizabeth: Letters from Sophia Peabody Hawthorne to Elizabeth Palmer Peabody, ca. 1837-1868 (2004)
Editor, The ASLE Online Bibliography [pdf] (2001-2010)
Louisa A. Doane's Journal of Two Ocean Voyages (1852-1853)
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