Gabriella Navas
MFA in Creative Writing Student
025 Denney Hall
164 Anne & John Glenn Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210
Areas of Expertise
- Creative writing (fiction)
- Latinx literature
- BA, English, University of Hartford, 2021
Gabriella Navas is a Puerto Rican fiction writer hailing from Jersey City, NJ. She is a second-year MFA student and GTA. Her work has previously appeared in [PANK], Storm Cellar, Fractured Lit, The Masters Review, and Quarterly West. In her writing, Gabriella seeks to always hold space for the interrogation and dismantling of Latinidad, and she envisions a future for Latinx stories that is built on specificity rather than monolithic representations. She holds a BA in English from the University of Hartford. She has settled in Columbus with her husband and two cats, Gerald Bernard Radilla-Navas and Frida Lupita Radilla-Navas.