Chris Highley

Chris Highley

Chris Highley

Professor of English and Director of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies

558 Denney Hall
164 Annie & John Glenn Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210

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Areas of Expertise

  • Renaissance literature


  • PhD, Stanford University
  • MA, University of Southern California
  • BA, University of Sussex

Christopher Highley specializes in Early Modern literature, culture and history. He has written three books: Shakespeare, Spenser, and the Crisis in Ireland (Cambridge University Press, 1997), Catholics Writing the Nation in Early Modern Britain and Ireland (Oxford University Press, 2008), and Blackfriars in Early Modern London: Theater, Church, and Neighborhood (Oxford University Press, 2022).  He continues to work on Early Modern London, as well as on the posthumous image of Henry VIII. 

Highly is also the Department of English's Study Abroad Programs Coordinator.

He is an Editorial Board Member of The Map of Early Modern London.

Curriculum Vitae


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