Mica Macrae Edmiston

Mica Macrae Edmiston

Mica Macrae Edmiston

PhD in English Student


025 Denney Hall
164 Annie & John Glenn Ave
Columbus, OH 43210

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  • MA, Liberal Arts and Sciences, San Diego State University, 2016
  • BA, Theater and Environmental Studies, Swarthmore College, 2012

Mica Macrae is a PhD student in the Department of English, pursuing a Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization in Folklore. They are fascinated by stories of all sorts, across all media, but are especially interested in the possibilities and potentials of interactive and collaborative narratives, such as those created through role-playing games, computer games, imaginative childhood play, shared myths, magical rituals and political theater. They also love monsters and horror stories: tales which shed light on the dark corners of consciousness and the ways we project and process our fears. Stories speaking to those aspects of experience that are paradoxical, queer, liminal, uncanny, uncategorizable, unnamable and untamable. That which cannot be placed and sealed inside tidy little boxes. In short, they are a weird person who likes weird things, and they are quite alright with that.

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