Cynthia A. Callahan

Cynthia A. Callahan

Cynthia A. Callahan

Associate Professor


239 Ovalwood
Ovalwood Hall
Mansfield campus

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Areas of Expertise

  • American literature
  • African American literature
  • Adoption studies


  • PhD, University of Delaware, 2004
  • MA, University of Delaware, 1996
  • BA, Rutgers University (Douglass College), 1994

Cynthia Callahan earned her PhD at the University of Delaware and her BA at Rutgers University (Douglass College). She teaches American and multi-ethnic American literatures. Her book, Kin of Another Kind: Transracial Adoption in American Literature (University of Michigan Press, 2011), explores the role of adoptive kinship in articulating racial and national identities in late nineteenth- and twentieth-century American literature. She guest edited the first all-bibliography and review issue of the journal Adoption & Culture (Vol. 4, 2014). She is national co-chair of the Alliance for the Study of Adoption and Culture.

Selected Publications

Curriculum Vitae


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