David Herman Receives 2012 Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching

Please join us in congratulating Professor David Herman, who has received one of this year's Alumni Awards for Distinguished Teaching. He was presented with the award this morning by Archie Griffin, President/CEO of The Ohio State University Alumni Association. He and the other 2012 Award winners will be honored at half-time during the OSU-Purdue game in October.
Official announcement: Recognizing Excellence at Ohio State.
The Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching honors faculty members for superior teaching. Recipients are nominated by present and former students and colleagues and are chosen by a committee of alumni, students, and faculty. They receive a cash award of $3000, made possible by contributions from the Alumni Association, friends of Ohio State, and the Office of Academic Affairs. They also receive a $1,200 increase in their base salaries from the Office of Academic Affairs. The recipients will be inducted into the University's Academy of Teaching, which provides leadership for the improvement of teaching at Ohio State.
David Herman is the latest in a long line of English Department Professors who have been honored by the Alumni Association for the impact they have had in the lives of our students. Recent winners include Jennifer Higginbotham (2011), Elizabeth Renker (2008), James Phelan (2007), and Lee Martin (2006). (For a complete list of English Department Distinguished Award Winners, see our Archive of Awards.) Congratulations to David Herman, and all of our exceptional teachers.