CSE Seal Awarded to Brockden Brown Volume Edited by Professor Elizabeth Hewitt
On 15 February 2012, the Committee on Scholarly Editions (CSE) awarded the CSE Seal to Volume 1 of The Collected Writings of Charles Brockden Brown: Letters and Early Epistolary Writings, edited by Elizabeth Hewitt, Philip Barnard, and Mark L. Kamrath. This volume, the first in a projected series of seven, collects Brockden Brown's complete correspondence in one place for the first time.
Charles Brockden Brown (1771-1810) has earned a reputation as the early republic's most ambitious and accomplished literary figure. He wrote prolifically in many genres, founded and edited three major magazines, published widely-read political pamphlets, and intervened in many debates about the culture and politics of the new nation. Further editions in the series are planned to cover Brockden Brown’s political writing, historical sketches and poetry; Volume 6, The American Register and Other Writings, 1807-1810 (scheduled to be published in 2013) will be edited by Professor Hewitt and Professor Jared Gardner.
The CSE serves as a clearinghouse for information about scholarly editing and editorial projects, offers advice and consultation to editors on request, honors excellence in editing by awarding emblems to qualified volumes, and promotes dissemination of reliable texts for classroom use and among general readers.
John R. Holmes and Fritz Fleischmann acted as consulting editors for the series The Collected Writings of Charles Brockden Brown, which will be published by Bucknell University Press (www.bucknell.edu/universitypress.xml).