Kane Lecture: "Narrative, Biodiversity, and Multispecies Justice" by Ursula Heise, UCLA

Narrative, Biodiversity, and Multispecies Justice
March 7, 2017
All Day
Denney 311

All members of the University community are welcome to this year's Kane Lecture, which will be delivered by Ursula K. Heise, Professor of English at UCLA and a faculty member of UCLA’s Institute of the Environment and Sustainability (IoES). She is a 2011 Guggenheim Fellow and was president of the Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment (ASLE) in 2011. Her research and teaching focus on contemporary environmental culture, literature and art in the Americas, Western Europe and Japan; theories of globalization; literature and science; and the digital humanities. Her books include Chronoschisms: Time, Narrative, and Postmodernism (Cambridge University Press, 1997), Sense of Place and Sense of Planet: The Environmental Imagination of the Global (Oxford University Press, 2008), Nach der Natur: Das Artensterben und die moderne Kultur (After Nature: Species Extinction and Modern Culture) (Suhrkamp, 2010), and Imagining Extinction: The Cultural Meanings of Endangered Species (University of Chicago Press, 2016).