ENGLISH 4562: Studies in Literature and the Other Arts
Studies in English literature in an interdisciplinary context. Period and context will vary. Possible topics: modernism and music, romanticism and painting, Elizabethan literature and iconography.
Prereq: 10 qtr cr hrs or 6 cr hrs of English at 2000-3000 level, or permission of instructor. 5 qtr cr hrs in 367 or 3 cr hrs in 2367 in any subject is acceptable towards the 6 cr hrs. Not open to students with 10 qtr cr hrs for 596. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.
Prereq: 10 qtr cr hrs or 6 cr hrs of English at 2000-3000 level, or permission of instructor. 5 qtr cr hrs in 367 or 3 cr hrs in 2367 in any subject is acceptable towards the 6 cr hrs. Not open to students with 10 qtr cr hrs for 596. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr hrs.
Credit Hours