Undergraduate Programs

Writing, Rhetoric and Literacy Undergraduate Programs


Columbus Campus

Mansfield Campus

Marion Campus

Newark Campus

Resource Pages

The first-year writing program maintains a resource site. To be added to this site, contact rhetcomp@osu.edu. For more information about the program overall, visit the department's Writing Programs page.



Columbus Campus

Mansfield Campus

Marion Campus

Newark Campus


The Second Year Writing Program (SYW) in the Department of English offers courses that  build upon the writing and research skills student writers develop in English 1110 (First Year Writing). SYW offers various versions of English 2367, which meet the General Education - Legacy requirements for Level 2–Writing and Communication, and some sections meet the Social Diversity GEL(*). English 2367 offer multiple “decimals” that correspond to different global course themes. These include the courses listed below:

  • ENG 2367.01: Language, Identity and Culture in the US Experience*
  • ENG 2367.02: Literature in the US Experience*
  • ENG 2367.03: Documentary in the US Experience
  • ENG 2367.04: Technology and Science in the US Experience
  • ENG 2367.05: The US Folk Experience*
  • ENG 2367.06: Disability in the US Experience*
  • ENG 2367.07s: Literacy Narratives of Black Columbus*
  • ENG 2367.08: Video Gaming

Graduate students are often assigned to teach 2367 at least once (often multiple times) during their time at OSU. The 2367 curriculum is open in that you are given a great deal of freedom in designing and implementing your course. The SYW staff are available to help you design your course at any stage—from early concepts to daily lesson plans.

To teach any version of 2367, graduate students must complete the annual SYW training. The mandatory training (which usually takes place at the end of spring semesters annually) is an extended workshop that helps new instructors understand the goals and learning outcomes of 2367, learn how 2367 is similar to and different from 1110, and practice backwards design and scaffolded research planning. Additionally, the SYW training has a strong focus on how instructors can build a course that centers social diversity in impactful ways.

Some sections of 2367 (specially .05, .06, .07s) require additional training. If you are interested in teaching one of these sections, you should meet with a member of the SYW staff to discuss the additional training requirements.

If you are interested in teaching 2367 online, you are required to complete the annual online teaching training. This SYW specific training usually takes place at the end of autumn semesters, and potential instructors explore transitioning their teaching into digital environments. You do not need to complete the general 2367 training before participating in the online training.

Resource Pages

A robust set of resources for teaching 2367 is available in the SYW Carmen/Canvas site. Anyone interested can be added to this course (even before being assigned to teach 2367). If you’d like to be added to the site, please email the SYW staff. For more information on Second-Year Writing, you can also visit the department's Writing Programs page.

For more information on English 3304 and 3305, visit the department's Writing Programs page.

If you're interested specifically in training information, awards received by the program, or upcoming trainings to teach English 3304 or 3305, visit the program's blog.

For more information, visit the Minor in Professional Writing webpage.


Columbus Campus


  • ENG 2276: Arts of Persuasion
  • ENG 3379: Research Methods in WRL
  • ENG 3467S: Issues and Methods in Tutoring Writing
  • ENG 4567S: Rhetoric and Community Service: A Writing Seminar
  • ENG 4573.01: Rhetorical Theory and Criticism
  • ENG 4573.02: Rhetoric and Social Action
  • ENG 4574: History and Theories of Writing
  • ENG 4584: Special Topics: Literacy Studies
  • ENG 4585: History of Literacy

Resource Pages

We have created a Carmen shell for ENG 3379 as part of the Affordable Learning Exchange project. To be added to this shell, please contact rhetcomp@osu.edu.