Elizabeth Kolkovich Wins Distinguished Teaching Award

The Department of English congratulates Elizabeth Kolkovich of Mansfield campus on receiving the Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award, the highest award for distinguished faculty teaching given by The Ohio State University. Elizabeth learned of her selection on the morning of April 1st in a surprise visit by Ohio State administrators. Below is a photo of Elizabeth being presented the award.

Elizabeth researches and teaches English Renaissance literature. Her essays appear in Shakespeare Quarterly, English Literary Renaissance, and elsewhere. In 2015, she received a short-term fellowship from the Huntington Library to begin a project that studies the literary and theatrical activities of Alice Stanley Egerton. In addition to this award, Elizabeth also received the 2015-16 Paul W. Brown Excellence in Teaching Award and the 2014-15 Mansfield Campus Excellence in Teaching Award.
The Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching annually recognizes a maximum of ten faculty members for their teaching excellence (besides Elizabeth, Amy Shuman was also a recipient of this award this year). Students, faculty, and alumni may nominate faculty; and a committee of students, previous recipients, and alumni choose the recipients. Recipients are recognized with a $3,000 honorarium made possible by gifts from The Ohio State University Alumni Association, University Advancement, and the Office of Academic Affairs. In addition, the Office of Academic Affairs awards an increase of $1,200 to each recipient’s base salary. Members are also inducted into the Academy of Teaching.