The English Graduate Organization (EGO) is a professional development, networking and advocacy group for all graduate students in the English department. EGO allows graduate students to have a tangible impact on departmental decisions and policies. Elected to specific committees, EGO officers coordinate academic and social events, serve on faculty committees and act as liaisons between graduate students and administration, providing a crucial voice in discussions that affect students’ day-to-day lives and future careers. In addition to promoting the interests of a dynamic graduate student body, the English Graduate Organization offers a valuable opportunity for its officers to prepare for service responsibilities in a profession that thrives on self-governance. EGO officers can vote at monthly English Department Council (EDC) meetings, which all graduate students can attend.
Contact the English Graduate Organization at
Representatives for 2024-2025:
Steering Committee
- Katelin Anderson
- Jessica Crabtree
- Erin Temple
- Samantha Tonkins
- Jack Van Dine
The Steering Committee acts as EGO’s main point of contact, coordinates communications with other committees, and consults directly with the Director of Graduate Studies. Each semester the Steering Committee hosts the EGO Colloquium, which features ongoing research by graduate students in the department. Additionally, the Steering Committee hosts the annual EGO Symposium, which showcases leading research by both faculty and graduate students and coincides with the open house for prospective graduate students during the spring semester. In March, the Steering Committee coordinates elections for all EGO committees for the next academic year. In April, it selects the Graduate Teacher of the Year and presents the award at the department’s end-of-year ceremony. Finally, the Steering Committee hosts other professional development and social events at its discretion. In addition to the roles of president and treasurer, one Steering Committee officer serves on the department’s Executive Committee, which advises the Department Chair and another officer serves as outreach coordinator, managing EGO’s public relations, social media presence and event documentation.
Graduate Studies Committee
- Katelin Anderson
The Program and Policy Committee consists of the Director of Graduate Studies, faculty representatives, the graduate program coordinator and two graduate student representatives. Representatives are responsible for attending monthly meetings in which the committee considers and votes on policies related to the English Department's graduate program. Graduate student representatives do not participate in decisions involving specific graduate students, programs of study, or graduate student admissions.
Undergraduate Studies Committee
- Brittany Halley
The Undergraduate Studies Committee is chaired by the Director of Undergraduate Studies and includes faculty, lecturer, and undergraduate representatives, as well as one graduate student representative. The committee is responsible for decisions related to the undergraduate major in English.