Department of English Awards Ceremony

On May 24, 2012, the English Department celebrated the accomplishments of its students and faculty at the Annual Awards Ceremony. The ceremony was held at the Longaberger Alumni House, with an attendance of over 150. A list of all awards is below; for award descriptions, judges' notes, etc., please see the ceremony program.
Awards in Business and Professional Writing
The Kitty Locker Prize for Excellence in Business Communication
Annie Mendenhall, “Joseph V. Denney, the Land-Grant Mission, and Rhetorical Education at Ohio State: An Institutional History” (College English 74.2, Nov. 2011)
Kitty O. Locker Travel Awards
2012 Recipients:
- Will Kurlinkus
- ryan Omizo
- Blake Wilder
The Kitty O. Locker Undergraduate Professional Writing Contest
First Place Group:
- Ana-Ilia Fitzhugh, Kit Lewis, Kaitlin Manahan, and Brianna Wolfe
- Instructor: Ryan Omizo
Second Place Awardees:
- Allison Dalrymple, Karlton Lastes, Jordan McFall, and Amber Washington
- Instructor: Jenny Patton
Awards in Creative Writing
The Reba Elaine Pearl Burkhardt Roorbach Award in Creative Nonfiction
2012 Winner:
- Albert Shin, “I See Now”
Honorable Mention:
- Marianne Manzler, "Redemption"
The Jacobson Short Story Award
2012 Winner:
- Joshua Kleinberg, “New Baby”
Honorable Mentions:
- Tim Bachelor, “Without Looking"
- Lucas Gladman, “Body in a Box”
The Gertrude Lucille Robinson Award
2012 Winner:
- Elizabeth Long, “Draft Horses in Tickland”
Honorable Mentions:
- Lily Liu, “Buying Fish at the Market”
- Christina Lutz, “Genesis”
The Citino Undergraduate Poetry Award
2012 Winner:
- Derek Pfister, “Documenting the Changes”
Honorable Mentions:
- Zachariah McVicker, “Elegy for Others,” “To a Suspected Pervert in the Library,” “Looking,” “Psalm for Death and Data,” “Speaking With Two of the Disciples,” “Pale Eye,” and other poems
- Lynsey Kamine, “Remedies,” “Windows,” “And Other Things,” “I Listened,” and “Yellow Bathing Suit”
The Vandewater Poetry Award
2012 Winner:
- Joshua Kleinberg (Undergraduate student), “The Letdown, The Lift”
Honorable Mentions:
- Michael Marberry (MFA student), “Windigo, OH (2),” “Love Poem (6),” and “Snow Song”
- Matt Sumpter (MFA student), “The Mechanic’s Creation Story,” “Elegy at Low Volume,” and “Triolet of a Backyard Ghost”
- Andrea Dickens (MFA student), “Magdalen College,” “Corona Borealis,” and “Self Portrait With Haystacks”
The Academy of American Poets Award (The Arthur Rense Prize)
2012 Winner:
- Lois Kwa (MFA student), “Man O’ War,” “Canis lupus familiar song of songs,” and “Arrow”
Honorable Mentions:
- Allison Davis (MFA student), “[before the storm a flock of crows],” “Red Because,” and “Sea Songs”
- Alex Fabrizio (MFA student), “Sailing Stones,” “Apologia: A Cento,” and “Crew Practice, Lake Howell, Florida”
- Tory Adkisson (MFA student), “Somewhere Between Memory,” “Figure Study,” and “Wilderness of Flesh”
- Michael Marberry (MFA student), “Windigo, OH (25),” “Long Poem (8),” and “Skin Song”
The Haidee Forsyth Burkhardt Award in Creative Nonfiction
2012 Winner:
- Ashley Caveda, “The Shorebirds”
The Tara M. Kroger Award
2012 Winner:
- Dominic Russ, “Manglevine”
Honorable Mentions:
- Hannah Langhoff, “The Things We Don’t Talk About”
- Ann Glaviano, “Four in Hand”
The Helen Earnhart Harley Fellowship in Fiction Award
2012 Winner:
- Nick White, “The Geography of Skin,” “Break,” “Tattletale”
Honorable Mentions:
- Molly Patterson, “Honors Track”
- Derek Palacio, “Preparations for the Body”
The Helen Earnhart Harley Fellowship in Poetry Award
2012 Winner:
- Ben Glass, “Cold Open”
Honorable Mentions:
- Lois Kwa, “A Girl-Thief’s Illustrated Primer,” “Ariel,” “Through a Glass Through Which We Cannot See,” and other poems
- Clayton Clark, “The Coalescences”
The Helen Earnhart Harley Fellowship in Creative Nonfiction Award
2012 Winner:
- Thao Thai, “Fatherland”
Honorable Mentions:
- Molly Patterson, “Zhuag Zhou Dreams He’s a Butterfly”
- Silas Hansen, “Trans/formations”
Citino Awards for Travel
2012 Recipients:
- Zachariah McVicker
- Stephen Rodriguez
Awards in First-Year Writing
The First-Year Writing Program Award for Outstanding Research Paper
- Njoki Mwangi, “The Delivery Man has Changed, but the Source Remains the Same: Remittance as Relief Aid.” Joe McQueen, instructor.
Outstanding Commonplace Essay
2012 Winners:
- Jonathan Holan, “Tattoos: What You See is What You Get.” Molly Patterson, instructor.
- Emily Fox, “Our (Dis)Connection with Meat.” Greg Smith, instructor.
Department of English Teaching Award for First-Year Writing
2012 Winner:
- Meg LeMay
Award for Excellence in Teaching by a First-Year GTA
2012 Winner:
- Joe McQueen
Awards in Digital Media Studies
Digital Media Prize for Outstanding Undergraduate Work
- Rose Buoni (infographic designed for Jonathan Buehl's 305 course)
- Rachel Joy Baransi (concept in 60 Seconds video for Scott DeWitt's 269 course)
- Emily Nordengren and Laura Friday (music video for Elizabeth Renker's 560 course)
- Max Mauerman & Shay Trotter (mockumentary for English 269 course)
Digital Media Prize for Outstanding Graduate Work
- Team One: Jonathan Holmes, Marion Wolfe, Rachel Waymel, Evan Thomas, Will Kurlinkus, Ashley Owens, Victoria Munoz, Jen Michaels, Carmen Meza, and Jonathan Leidheiser-Stoddard
- Team Two: Gabriel Urza, Ben Glass, Derek Palacio
Eric Walborn Award for Excellence in Digital Media and English Studies Instruction
- 2012 Winner: Ashley Caveda
Graduate Awards
Muste Dissertation Prize
2012 Winner:
- Matthew Bolton
2012 Nominees:
- Matthew Bolton
- David Deutsch
- Maria Eugenia Gonzalez-Posse
- Paul McCormick
Estrich Paper Prize
2012 Winner:
- Kate Novotny
2012 Nominees:
- Chase Bollig
- Michael Harwick
- Jonathan Holmes
- Kate Novotny
- Dominic Russ
- Elizabeth Zaleski
Sacks Paper Prize
2012 Winner:
- Matt Poland
2012 Nominees:
- Tonisha Calbert
- Jenny Patton
- Matt Poland
Graduate Associate Teaching Award
2012 English Department Recipients:
- Leila Ben-Nasr
- Adam Stier
Presidential Fellowships
Spring 2011 English Department Recipient:
- Erin McCarthy
Autumn 2011 English Department Recipient:
- Adam Stier
Undergraduate Awards
OSU Libraries Undergraduate Research Prize
- Kelsie King, B.A., Honors English and French, Spring 2012
- Essay: “American Literary Reactions to the Pétroleuses of the Paris Commune”
- Course: English 590.08H; Archival Research Methods and American Literature, 1865-1900; Spring 2011
- Instructor: Elizabeth Renker
The Robert E. Reiter Prize for Critical Analysis
2012 Winner:
- Claire Ravenscroft, B.A., English and Political Science with a minor in French, Spring 2013
- Essay: “Masters and Slaves in Endless Cycle: Moby Dick in the Transitioning 19th-Century American Economy”
- Course: English 561, Special Topics in Fictional and Nonfictional Narrative, Winter 2012
- Instructor: Elizabeth Renker
Honorable Mentions:
- Melissa Duncan, B.A., English with a minor in Classics, Spring 2012
- Essay: “The Right to Sext”
- Course: English 405, Special Topics in Professional Communication, Autumn 2011
- Instructor: Robert Eckhart
- Lee Emrich, B.A., English, Spring 2013
- Essay: “Recovering George D. Prentice: The Lost Mentor of Sarah Piatt”
- Course: English 590.08H, U.S. and Colonial Literature, Winter 2012
- Instructor: Elizabeth Renker
- Michelle McCarty, B.A., English with minors in German and the Legal Foundations of Society, Spring 2013
- Essay: “Rhetorical Control and the Development of a ‘Citizen-Driven’ Hegemon: An Analysis of the ‘We Are Ohio’ Movement”
- Course: English 573.02, Rhetorical Theory and Analysis of Social Action, Autumn 2011
- Instructor: Kay Halasek
The Helen Morrison Earnhart Harley Scholarship in English
- Ashley Fournier, B.A., Honors English and Spanish with a minor in Theatre, Spring 2013
The Rosemarie Sena Scholarship in English
- Sage Boggs, B.A., Honors English with minors in Media Production and Analysis and Professional Writing, Spring 2013
The David O. Frantz Thesis Award
2012 Winners:
- Scott Dieter, B.A., Honors English, Spring 2011
- Thesis: “Narrative Theory in Light of Contemporary Narrative Practice”
- Advisor: David Herman
- Justin Hanson, B.A., Honors English, Spring 2011
- Thesis: “Inside The Body Politic: Examining the Birth of Gay Liberation”
- Advisor: Manuel Martinez
The Denney Award
2012 Winner:
- Cody St. Clair
2012 Nominees:
- Charles Healy
- Marianne Manzler
- Cody St. Clair
- Meagan Winkelman
Faculty Awards
EUGO Auxiliary Faculty of the Year
2012 Winner:
- Matt Cariello
EUGO Professor of the Year
2012 Winners:
- Thomas Davis
- Elizabeth Renker
EGO Professor of the Year
2012 Winner:
- Cynthia Selfe
- Lee K. Abbott
The Marlene Longenecker Award for Teaching and Leadership
2012 Winner:
- Chad Allen
Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching
2012 English Department Recipient:
- David Herman
Distinguished Diversity Enhancement Award
2012 English Department Recipient:
- Joe Ponce