The symposium brings into critical conversation the fields of queer studies, disability studies, and human rights through investigations of how the discourse of human rights maps vulnerability onto certain bodies—but not others--and how these bodies take on the burden of representation in domestic and international politics and law. Panelists explore the potential of theories of vulnerability and precarity for understanding human rights atrocities and struggles for social justice. Panel topics include: Disability, Human Rights, and Bodies in Protest; Sexual Slavery, Human Trafficking, and Asylum Narratives; Children’s Human Rights, Precarity, and the Humanist Aesthetic; and Human Rights Activism, Humanitarianism, and Post-Catastrophic Space.
A reception will follow the symposium.
The Global Human Rights, Sexualities, Vulnerabilities symposium is sponsored by the OSU Humanities Institute (Human Rights Working Group), Office of Diversity and Inclusion; Disability Studies; Department of English; DISCO; Sexuality Studies; Project Narrative; Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies; Mershon Center; the College of Arts and Science; and the Center for Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies. Please contact Wendy S. Hesford (hesford.1@osu.edu) or Amy Shuman (shuman.1@osu.edu) for more details.
Program schedule and Registration available at: https://disabilitystudies.osu.edu/HumanRights.